Lives of the Saints - Content Christianity - Books
If I speak with the languages of men and of angels, but don't have love, I have become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal.                If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but don't have love, I am nothing.                If I dole out all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, but don't have love, it profits me nothing.                Love is patient and is kind; love doesn't envy. Love doesn't brag, is not proud, doesn't behave itself inappropriately, doesn't seek its own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil; doesn't rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will be done away with.               
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Lives of the Saints

Lives of Catholic Saints by Months

Lives of Orthodox Saints by Months

























Portraits of Saints

Antonio Sicari


Saint Camillo De Lellis

Jean Mariè Vianney Saint Cur d'Ars

Saint John of God

Saint Maximilian Kolbe

Saint John Bosco

Saint Vincent de’ Paul

Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini

Saint Maria Bertilla Boscardin

The martyrs of Compiègne

Blessed Luigi Orione

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

Blessed Gianna Beretta Molla

Lives of the Saints (Catholic)



January 1

The Circumcision of our Lord

January 2

St. Fulgentius, Bishop

St. Macarius of Alexandria

January 3

St. Genevieve, Virgin

January 4

St. Titus, Bishop

St. Gregory, Bishop

January 5

St. Simeon Stylites

January 6

The Epiphany of Our Lord

January 7

St. Lucian, Martyr

January 8

St. Apollinaris, the Apologist, Bishop

January 9

Ss. Julian and Basilissa, Martyrs

January 10

St. William, Archbishop

January 11

St. Theodosius, The Cenobiarch

January 12

St. Aelred, Abbot

January 13

St. Veronica of Milan

January 14

St. Hilary of Poitiers

January 15

St. Paul, the First Hermit

January 16

St. Honoratus, Archbishop

January 17

St. Antony, Patriarch of Monks

January 18

St. Peter's Chair at Rome

January 19

St. Canutus, King, Martyr

January 20

St. Sebastian, Martyr

January 21

St. Agnes, Virgin, Martyr

January 22

St. Vincent, Martyr

January 23

St. Raymund of Pennafort

January 24

St. Timothy, Bishop, Martyr

January 25

The Conversion of St. Paul

January 26

St. Polycarp, Bishop, Martyr

January 27

St. John Chrysostom

January 28

St. Cyril of Alexandria

January 29

St. Francis of Sales

January 30

St. Bathildes, Queen

January 31

St. Marcella, Widow


February 1

St. Bridgid, Abbess, and Patroness of Ireland
St. Ignatius, Bishop, Martyr

February 2

The Purification, Commonly Called Candlemas-Day

February 3

St. Blase, Bishop and Martyr

February 4

St. Jane of Valois

February 5

St. Agatha, Virgin, Martyr
The Martyrs of Japan

February 6

St. Dorothy, Virgin, Martyr

February 7

St. Romuald, Abbot

February 8

St. John of Matha

February 9

St. Apollonia and the Martyrs of Alexandria

February 10

St. Scholastica, Abbess

February 11

St. Severinus, Abbot of Agaunum

February 12

St. Benedict of Anian

February 13

St. Catherine f Ricci

February 14

St. Valentine, Priest and Martyr

February 15

Sts. Faustinus and Jovita, Martyrs

February 16

Blessed John de Britto, Martyr
St. Onesimus, Disciple of St. Paul

February 17

St. Flavian, Bishop, Martyr

February 18

St. Simeon, Bishop, Martyr

February 19

St. Barbatus, Bishop

February 20

St. Eucherius, Bishop

February 21

St. Severianus, Martyr, Bishop

February 22

St. Peter's Chair at Antioch

February 23

St. Peter Damian
St. Serenus, a Gardener, Martyr

February 24

St. Matthias, Apostle

February 25

St. Tarasius

February 26

St. Porphyry, Bishop

February 27

St. Leander, Bishop

February 28

Sts. Romanus and Lupicinus, Abbots

February 29

St. Oswald, Bishop



March 1

St. David, Bishop
St. Albinus, Bishop

March 2

St. Simplicius, Pope

March 3

St. Cunegundes, Empress

March 4

St. Casimir, King

March 5

Sts. Adrian and Eubulus, Martyrs

March 6

St. Colette, Virgin

March 7

St. Thomas Aquinas

March 8

St. John of God

March 9

St. Frances of Rome

March 10

The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste

March 11

St. Eulogius, Martyr

March 12

St. Gregory the Great

March 13

St. Euphrasia, Virgin

March 14

St. Maud, Queen

March 15

St. Zachary, Pope

March 16

Sts. Abraham and Mary

March 17

St. Patrick, Bishop, Apostle of Ireland

March 18

St. Cyril of Jerusalem

March 19

St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin and Patron of the Universal Church

March 20

St. Wulfran, Archbishop

March 21

St. Benedict, Abbot

March 22

St. Catharine of Sweden, Virgin

March 23

Sts. Victorian and Others, Martyrs

March 24

St. Simon, Infant Martyr

March 25

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

March 26

St. Ludger, Bishop

March 27

St. John of Egypt

March 28

St. Gontran, King

March 29

Sts. Jonas, Barachisius, and their Companions, Martyrs

March 30

St. John Climacus

March 31

St. Benjamin, Deacon, Martyr

April 1

St. Hugh, Bishop

April 2

St. Francis of Paula

April 3

St. Richard of Chichester

April 4

St. Isidore, Archbishop

April 5

St. Vincent Ferrer

April 6

St. Celestine, Pope

April 7

St. Hegesippus, a Primitive Father
Blessed Herman Joseph of Steinfeld

April 8

St. Perpetuus, Bishop

April 9

St. Mary of Egypt
St. John the Almoner

April 10

St. Bademus, Martyr

April 11

St. Leo the Great

April 12

St. Julius, Pope

April 13

St. Hermenegild, Martyr

April 14

St. Benezet, or Little Bennet

April 15

St. Paternus, Bishop

April 16

Eighteen Martyrs of Saragossa, and St. Encratis, or Engratia, Virgin, Martyr

April 17

St. Anicetus, Pope, Martyr

April 18

St. Apollonius, Martyr

April 19

St. Elphege, Archbishop

April 20

St. Marcellinus, Bishop

April 21

St. Anselm, Archbishop

April 22

St. Soter, Pope, Martyr
St. Leonides, Martyr

April 23

St. George, Martyr

April 24

St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen

April 25

St. Mark, Evangelist

April 26

Sts. Cletus and Marcellinus, Popes, Martyrs

April 27

St. Zita, Virgin

April 28

St. Paul of the Cross
St. Vitalis, Martyr

April 29

St. Peter, Martyr
St. Hugh, Abbot of Cluny

April 30

St. Catherine of Siena



May 1

Sts. Philip and James, Apostles

May 2

St. Athanasius, Bishop

May 3

The Discovery of the Holy Cross

May 4

St. Monica

May 5

St. Pius V

May 6

St. John Before the Latin Gate

May 7

St. Stanislas, Bishop, Martyr

May 8

The Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel

May 9

St. Gregory Nazianzen

May 10

St. Antoninus, Bishop

May 11

St. Mammertus, Archbishop

May 12

St. Epiphanius, Archbishop

May 13

St. John the Silent

May 14

St. Pachomius, Abbot

May 15

Sts. Peter and Dionysia

May 16

St. John Nepomucen

May 17

St. Paschal Baylon

May 18

St. Venantius, Martyr

May 19

St. Peter Celestine

May 20

St. Bernardine of Siena

May 21

St. Hospitius, Recluse

May 22

St. Yvo, Confessor

May 23

St. Julia, Virgin, Martyr

May 24

Sts. Donatian and Rogatian, Martyrs

May 25

St. Gregory VII

May 26

St. Philip Neri
St. Augustine, Apostle of England

May 27

St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzi
Venerable Bede

May 28

St. Germanus, Bishop

May 29

St. Cyril, Martyr

May 30

St. Felix I., Pope and Martyr

May 31

St. Petronilla, Virgin

June 1

St. Justin, Martyr
St. Pamphilus, Martyr

June 2

Sts. Pothinus, Bishop, Sanctus, Attalus, Blandina, and the other Martyrs of Lyons

June 3

St. Clotilda, Queen

June 4

St. Francis Caracciolo

June 5

St. Boniface, Bishop, Martyr

June 6

St. Norbert, Bishop

June 7

St. Robert of Newminster
St. Claude, Archbishop

June 8

St. Medard, Bishop

June 9

Sts. Primus and Felicianus, Martyrs
St. Columba, or Columkille, Abbot

June 10

St. Margaret of Scotland

June 11

St. Barnabas, Apostle

June 12

St. John of St. Fagondez

June 13

St. Antony of Padua

June 14

St. Basil the Great

June 15

Sts. Vitus, Crescentia, and Modestus, Martyrs

June 16

St. John Francis Regis

June 17

St. Avitus, Abbot

June 18

Sts. Marcus and Marcellianus, Martyrs

June 19

St. Juliana Falconieri

June 20

St. Silverius, Pope and Martyr

June 21

St. Aloysius Gonzaga

June 22

St. Paulinus of Nola

June 23

St. Etheldreda, Abbess

June 24

St. John the Baptist

June 25

St. Prosper of Aquitaine. St William of Monte-Vergine

June 26

Sts. John and Paul, Martyrs

June 27

St. Ladislas, King

June 28

St. Irenæus, Bishop, Martyr

June 29

St. Peter, Apostle

June 30

St. Paul



July 1

St. Gal, Bishop

July 2

The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin

July 3

St. Heliodorus, Bishop

July 4

St. Bertha, Widow, Abbess

July 5

St. Peter of Luxemburg

July 6

St. Goar, Priest
St. Palladius, Bishop, Apostle of the Scots

July 7

St. Pantænus, Father of the Church

July 8

St. Elizabeth of Portugal

July 9

St. Ephrem, Deacon

July 10

The Seven Brothers, Martyrs, and St. Felicitas, their Mother

July 11

St. James, Bishop

July 12

St. John Gualbert

July 13

St. Eugenius, Bishop

July 14

St. Bonaventure

July 15

St. Henry, Emperor

July 16

St. Simon Stock

July 17

St. Alexius

July 18

St. Camillus Of Lellis

July 19

St. Vincent of Paul

July 20

St. Margaret, Virgin and Martyr
St. Jerome Emiliani

July 21

St. Victor, Martyr

July 22

St. Mary Magdalen

July 23

St. Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr

July 24

St. Christina, Virgin and Martyr

July 25

St. James, Apostle

July 26

St. Anne

July 27

St. Pantaleon, Martyr

July 28

Sts. Nazarius and Celsus, Martyrs

July 29

St. Martha, Virgin

July 30

St. Germanus, Bishop

July 31

St. Ignatius of Loyola

August 1

St. Peter's Chains

August 2

St. Stephen, Pope and Martyr
St. Alphonsus Liguori

August 3

The Finding of St. Stephen's Relics

August 4

St. Dominic

August 5

The Dedication of St. Mary ad Nives

August 6

The Transfiguration of Our Lord

August 7

St. Cajetan

August 8

St. Cyriacus and His Companions, Martyrs
Blessed Peter Favre

August 9

St. Romanus, Martyr

August 10

St. Laurence, Martyr

August 11

Sts. Tiburtius and Susanna, Martyrs

August 12

St. Clare, Abbess

August 13

St. Radegundes, Queen

August 14

St. Eusebius, Priest

August 15

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

August 16

St. Hyacinth

August 17

St. Liberatus, Abbot, and Six Monks, Martyrs

August 18

St. Helena, Empress; St. Agapetus, Martyr

August 19

St. Louis, Bishop

August 20

St. Bernard

August 21

St. Jane Frances de Chantal

August 22

St. Symphorian, Martyr

August 23

St. Philip Benizi

August 24

St. Bartholomew, Apostle

August 25

St. Louis, King

August 26

St. Zephyrinus, Pope and Martyr

August 27

St. Joseph Calasanctius

August 28

St. Augustine of Hippo

August 29

The Beheading of St. John the Baptist

August 30

St. Rose of Lima
St. Fiaker, Anchorite

August 31

St. Raymund Nonnatus



September 1

St. Giles, Abbot

September 2

St. Stephen, King

September 3

St. Seraphia, Virgin and Martyr

September 4

St. Rosalia, Virgin

September 5

St. Laurence Justinian

September 6

St. Eleutherius, Abbot

September 7

St. Cloud, Confessor

September 8

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
The Festival, on the Sunday Within the Octave of Her Nativity, of The Holy Name of Mary

September 9

St. Omer, Bishop
Saint Peter Claver

September 10

St. Nicholas of Tolentino

September 11

St. Paphnutius, Bishop

September 12

St. Guy of Anderlecht

September 13

St. Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria

September 14

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ

September 15

St. Catherine of Genoa

September 16

St. Cyprian, Bishop, Martyr

September 17

St. Lambert, Bishop, Martyr

September 18

St. Thomas of Villanova

September 19

St. Januarius, Martyr

September 20

Sts. Eustachius and Companions, Martyrs

September 21

St. Matthew, Apostle

September 22

The Theban Legion

September 23

St. Thecla, Virgin, Martyr

September 24

The Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy

September 25

St. Firmin, Bishop, Martyr. St. Finbarr, Bishop

September 26

Sts. Cyprian and Justina, Martyrs

September 27

Sts. Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs

September 28

St. Wenceslas, Martyr

September 29

St. Michael, Archangel

September 30

St. Jerome, Doctor

October 1

St. Remigius, Bishop

October 2

The Holy Guardian Angels

October 3

St. Gerard, Abbot

October 4

St. Francis of Assisi

October 5

St. Placid, Martyr

October 6

St. Bruno

October 7

St. Mark, Pope

October 8

St. Bridget of Sweden

October 9

St. Dionysius and his Companions, Martyrs. St. Louis Bertrand

October 10

St. Francis Borgia

October 11

St. Tarachus and his Companions

October 12

St. Wilfrid, Bishop

October 13

St. Edward the Confessor

October 14

St. Callistus, Pope, Martyr

October 15

St. Teresa

October 16

St. Gall, Abbot

October 17

St. Hedwige. Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

October 18

St. Luke

October 19

St. Peter of Alcantara

October 20

St. John Cantius

October 21

St. Ursula, Virgin and Martyr

October 22

St. Mello, Bishop. St. Hilarion, Abbot

October 23

St. Theodoret, Martyr

October 24

St. Magloire, Bishop

October 25

Sts. Crispin and Crispinian, Martyrs

October 26

St. Evaristus, Pope and Martyr

October 27

St. Frumentius, Bishop

October 28

Sts. Simon and Jude

October 29

St. Narcissus, Bishop

October 30

St. Marcellus, the Centurion, Martyr

October 31

St. Quintin, Martyr



November 1


November 2

St. Malachi, Bishop

November 3

St. Hubert, Bishop

November 4

St. Charles Borromeo

November 5

St. Bertille, Abbess

November 6

St. Leonard

November 7

St. Willibrord

November 8

The Feast of the Holy Relics

November 9

St. Theodore Tyro, Martyr

November 10

St. Andrew Avellino

November 11

St. Martin of Tours

November 12

St. Martin, Pope

November 13

St. Stanislas Kostka

November 14

St. Didacus
St. Laurence O'Toole, Archbishop of Dublin

November 15

St. Gertrude, Abbess

November 16

St. Edmund of Canterbury

November 17

St. Gregory Thaumaturgus

November 18

St. Odo of Cluny

November 19

St. Elizabeth of Hungary

November 20

St. Felix of Valois

November 21

The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

November 22

St. Cecilia, Virgin, Martyr

November 23

St. Clement of Rome

November 24

St. John of the Cross

November 25

St. Catherine of Alexandria

November 26

St. Peter of Alexandria, Bishop, Martyr

November 27

St. Maximus, Bishop

November 28

St. James of La Marca of Ancona

November 29

St. Saturninus, Martyr

November 30

St. Andrew, Apostle

December 1

St. Eligius

December 2

St. Bibiana, Virgin, Martyr

December 3

St. Francis Xavier

December 4

St. Barbara, Virgin, Martyr

December 5

St. Sabas, Abbot

December 6

St. Nicholas of Bari

December 7

St. Ambrose, Bishop

December 8

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception

December 9

St. Leocadia, Virgin, Martyr

December 10

St. Eulalia, Virgin, Martyr

December 11

St. Damasus, Pope

December 12

St. Valery, Abbot. St. Finian, Bishop

December 13

St. Lucy, Virgin, Martyr

December 14

St. Nicasius, Archbishop, and his Companions, Martyrs

December 15

St. Mesmin

December 16

St. Eusebius, Bishop

December 17

St. Olympias, Widow

December 18

St. Gatian, Bishop

December 19

St. Nemesion, Martyr

December 20

St. Philogonius, Bishop

December 21

St. Thomas, Apostle

December 22

St. Ischyrion, Martyr

December 23

St. Servulus

December 24

St. Delphinus, Bishop. Sts. Thrasilla and Emiliana, Virgins

December 25

The Nativity of Christ, or Christmas Day

December 26

St. Stephen, First Martyr

December 27

St. John, Evangelist

December 28

The Holy Innocents

December 29

St. Thomas of Canterbury

December 30

St. Sabinus, Bishop, and his Companions, Martyrs

December 31

St. Sylvester, Pope

Lives of Certain Saints



St. Philip of Jesus, Martyr, Patron of the City of Mexico

St. Turribius, Archbishop of Lima

St. Francis Solano

St. Teresa of the Infant Jesus

St. Joan of Arc

St. Rita of Cascia, Widow

St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother

St. Mother Theresa of Calcutta

St. Luigi Scrosoppi

St. Thomas of Aquino (Mar, 7)

St. Filippo Neri (May, 26)

St. Lucy (Dec, 13)

Lives of the Saints (Orthodox)



January 1

St. Boniface the Merciful of Tarsus, Eutychios the Martyr of Thessaloniki

January 2

Holy Great Martyr Ignatius the Godbearer

January 3

Holy Martyr Julianna and the 630 martyrs with her

Saint Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow

January 4

Holy Martyr Anastasia the Deliverer

January 6

Holy Martyrs Eugenia, Claudia, and others

January 7

Nativity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

January 8

January 9

St. Stephen, the First Martyr

January 10

January 11

The Holy Infants

January 12

Holy Martyr Anisia

January 13

January 14

St. Basil the Great

St. Gregory Nazianzen (1 and 25 January)

January 15

St. Seraphim of Sarov

January 16

St. Genevieve of Paris

St. Malachi the Prophet

January 17

The Seventy

January 18

St. Evagrios of the Philokalia

January 19

The Theophany (Epiphany) of Christ

January 20

Synaxis of St. John the Baptist and Forerunner of Christ

January 21

St. George the Chozebite

January 22

St. Polyeuctos the Martyr of Meletine in Armenia

January 23

St. Gregory of Nyssa

January 24

St. Righteous Theodosios the Cenobiarch

January 25

The Holy Martyr Tatiana of Rome

January 26

St. Hermylos and Stratonikos the Martyrs at Belgrade

January 27

St. Nina, the Enlightener of Georgia

St. Sava of Serbia

January 28

St. Paul the hermit of Thebes

St. John Kalyvites

January 29

The Holy Martyr Leonilla

Veneration of Apostle Peter Precious Chains

January 30

St. Anthony the Great

January 31

Athanasios and Cyril, Patriarchs of Alexandria

February 1

February 2

The Holy Martyrs Innas, Pinna, and Rimma

St. Righteous Euthymios the Great

February 3

Our Holy Father St. Maximos the Confessor

February 4

St. Timothy the Apostle

Venerable Joseph the Sanctified

February 5

The Venerable Gennady

February 6

St. Xeni

Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg

February 7

St. Gregory Theologian

February 8

St. Xenophon, Maria and sons

February 9

The Translation of the Relics of St. John Chrysostom

February 10

Ephraim the Syrian

February 11

February 12

The Three Great Hierarchs: Sts. Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom

Sts. Cyrus and John the Unmercenaries

February 13

Our Holy Father Nikita of the Kiev Caves

February 14

St. Tryphon

February 15

Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple

February 16

St. Symeon the Host of God and St. Anna the Prophetess

February 17

St. Isidore of Pelusium

February 18

St. Agatha the Martyr

February 19

St. Photios the Great, Patriarch of Constantinople

Sts. Barsanuphius and John

February 20

St. Parthenios, Bishop of Lampsakos

February 21

St. Theodore the Commander and Great Martyr

February 22

February 23

Holy and Great Martyr Theodore Stratilates

St. Charalambos the Wonder-worker

The Martyrs Valentina, Paula and Ennapha

February 24

St. Blasios

February 25

St. Alexis of Moscow

St. Meletios, Archbishop of Antioch

February 26

The Venerable Martinian, Sts. Zoia and Svetlana

February 27

February 28

St. Onesimus the Apostle of the 70



March 1

St. Pamphilios the Martyr and his Companions

March 2

The Holy and Great Martyr Theodore the Tyro

March 3

St. Leo of Rome

March 4

March 5

St. Zacharias, Patriarch of Jerusalem

St. Eustathios of Antioch

Leo, Bishop of Catania

March 6

St. Timothy the Righteous

March 7

St. Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna

Finding of the Relics of the Holy Martyrs of Eugenios

March 8

March 9

First and Second Finding of the Venerable Head of John the Baptist

March 10

St. Photini, The Samaritan Woman, Great Martyr and Equal to the Apostles

St. Tarasios, Patriarch of Constantinople

March 11

St. Porphyrios, Bishop of Gaza

March 12

St. Kyranna of The Saloniki

St. Prokopios the Confessor of Decapolis

March 13

The Venerable Marina and Kira

March 14

St. Eudokia, Holy Martyr

Holy Martyr Antonina

St. Righteous John Cassian the Confessor

March 15

St. Athanasius the Great

St. Hesychios the Martyr

March 16

March 17

Holy Martyrs Paul and Juliana

St. Gerasimos the Righteous of Jordan

March 18

March 19

42 Martyrs of Amorion in Phrygia

March 20

The 7 Hieromartyrs of Cherson

March 21

St. Theophylaktos, Bishop of Nicomedea

March 22

The Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebastia

March 23

St. Kodratos the Martyr and his Companions

March 24

St. Sophronios, Patriarch of Jerusalem

March 25

St. Symeon the New Theologian

Hierarch Gregory the Dialogist, Pope of Rome

St. Theophanes the Confessor

March 26

Sts. Eutropios, Kleonikos, Vasiliskos, Zenos, and Zoilis the Martyrs

Removal of the relics of Nicephoros, Patriarch of Constantinople

March 27

Prince Rostislav the "Believer of Right"

March 28

St. Agapios the martyr and his Companions

St. Konon the Gardener

March 29

St. Savinos the Martyr of Egypt

March 30

St. Alexios, Man of God

St. Patrick, Enlightener of Ireland

March 31

St. Cyril, Patriarch of Jerusalem

Sts. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene (Bright Tuesday)

April 1

Holy Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria

April 2

Righteous Fathers slain at the Monastery of St. Savas

April 3

St. James the Confessor

April 4

St. Basil the Holy Martyr of Ancyra

April 5

The Martyr Lydia and Her Family

April 6

April 7

The Annunciation of the Holy Theotokos

April 8

Archangel Gabriel

The Martyrs Alla and Larissa

April 9

St. Gregory Palamas

St. Matrona

April 10

St. Hilarion the New

April 11

St. Mark, Bishop of Arethusa

April 12

St. John Climacus (30 March and 4th Sunday of the Great Lent)

April 13

St. Innocent (31 March and 23 September)

St. Hypatios the Wonderworker

April 14

St. Mary of Egypt (also Fifth Sunday of Great Lent)

The Holy Martyrs Agapia, Chionia and Irene

April 15

St. Titus the Wonderworker

April 16

St. Nikitas the Confessor

April 17

St. George the Righteous of Maleon

April 18

Monk-Martyrs Claudius, Diodore, Victor, Victorin, and those with them

April 19

St. Eutychios, Patriarch of Constantinople

April 20

Sts. Calliopios the Martyr, Roufinos the Deacon and Akylina the Martyr in Sinope

April 21

Sts. Agavos, Rouphos, Asynkritos, Phlegon, Herodion, and Hermes of the 70 Apostles

April 22

The Venerable Martyr Vadim

April 23

Virgin-martyrs Sts. Agape, Irene and Chione

April 24

April 25

April 26

April 27

April 28

April 29

The Holy Martyrs Victoria, Leonid, Nika, Galina, Chariessa, Callis, Nunechia, Vasilissa and Theodora

April 30

St. Symeon the Holy Martyr and Bishop of Persia



Coming of the Holy Spirit - the Feast of Pentecost

All Saints day (1st Sunday after Pentecost)

May 1

Holy Father John the Righteous, disciple of St. Gregory of Decapolis

May 2

May 3

St. Theodore the Trichinas

May 4

St. Alexandra

May 5

Our Holy Father, the Monk Vitali

May 6

St. George the Great Martyr

The Martyr Alexandra

The Martyr Anatoly

May 7

May 8

St. Mark the Apostle and Evangelist

May 9

The Holy Hierarch Stephen, Bishop of Perm

May 10

May 11

May 12

Sts. Jason and Sosipater the Apostles of the 70 and their Companions

May 13

St. James the Apostle and brother of St. John the Theologian

May 14

Saint Tamara, Queen of Georgia

May 15

Saint Athanasius the Great, Archbishop of Alexandria

May 16

St. Xenia

Sts. Timothy and Mavra the Martyrs

May 17

Saint Pelagia of Tarsus

Saint Monica Model of Wifely Forbearance

May 18

St. Theodore of Sykeon

Saint Irina

May 19

St. Job the Prophet

May 20

Commemoration of the Precious Cross that appeared in the sky over Jerusalem in 351 A.D.

May 21

Holy Apostle St. John the Evangelist

St. Arsenios the Great

May 22

Translation of St. Nicholas' Relics

Saint Christopher

St. Isaiah the Prophet

May 23

Saint Taisia

St. Simon the Zealot and Apostle

May 24

Saints Cyril and Methodius, Equal to the Apostles

St. Mokios the Holy Martyr

May 25

St. Epiphanios, Bishop of Cyprus

St. Germanos, Patriarch of Constantinople

May 26

St. Glykeria

May 27

May 28

St. Pachomios the Great

St. Achilles, Bishop of Larissa

May 29

St. Theodoros the Sanctified

May 30

Sts. Andronikos the Apostle of the 70 and Junia the Martyr

May 31

Holy Martyrs: Peter, Dionysius, Andrew, Paul, Christina, Heracles, Paulinus and Benedimus

The Day of the Souls (on Saturday)

June 1

June 2

St. Thalalaios the Martyr and his Martyr Companions

June 3

Sts. Constantine and Helene

June 4

St. Vasilikos the Martyr, Bishop of Comana

June 5

Saint Efrosinia, Princess of Polotsk

June 6

St. Vincent of Lerins

St. Symeon the Stylite of the Mountain

June 7

June 8

Sts. Carpos and Alphaeus, Apostles of the 70

June 9

St. John the Russian

The Venerable Bede

Holy Glorious Hieromartyr Alladius

June 10

St. Eutyches the Martyr, Bishop of Melitene

June 11

St. Theodosia, Virgin-Martyr of Constantinople

June 12

St. Isaakios, Founder of the Monastery of Dalmatos

June 13

St. Hermias the Martyr at Comana

June 14

Sts. Justin the Philosopher and Martyr and his Companions

June 15

St. Nikephoros the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople

June 16

Sts. Lucillian of Byzantium, 4 martyred Youths and Paula the Virgin

June 17

Sts. Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus

St. Metrophanes, 1st Patriarch of Constantinople

June 18

Saint Igor, Prince of Chernigov and Kiev

St. Dorotheos the Holy Martyr, Bishop of Tyre

June 19

St. Hilarion the New of Dalmation Monastery

June 20

St. Theodotos, Bishop of Ankyra

June 21

Removal of the Relics of Theodore the Commander

St. Kalliope the Martyr

St. Melania the Righteous

June 22

St. Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria

St. Righteous Father Columba of Iona

Righteous Father Cyril of Belozersk

June 23

Sts. Theophanes and Pansemne

Holy Martyrs Alexander and Antonina

The Holy Martyrs of China

June 24

Miraculous Icon of "Axion Esti"

Sts. Bartholomew and Barnabas the Holy Apostles

Revelation of the Hymn Axion Estin to a monk on Mt. Athos by the Archangel Gabriel

June 25

St. Onouphrios the Great

St. Peter the Athonite

June 26

St. Akylina the Martyr of Syria

June 27

St. Elisha the Prophet

St. Methodios the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople

June 28

Blessed Augustine

St. Amos the Prophet

Father among the Saints Jonas, Metropolitan of Kiev

June 29

St. Tychon the Wonderworker

June 30

St. Isaurus the Holy Martyr and his Companions of Athens

Sts. Manuel, Sabel, and Ishmael the Martyrs of Persia

St. Righteous Father Botolph, Abbot of the Monastery of Ikanhoe



July 1

Holy Martyr Leontius

July 2

St. Paisios the Great

St. Thaddeus (Jude) the Apostle & Brother of Our Lord'

July 3

St. Methodios the Martyr, Bishop of Olympus

July 4

St. Julian the Martyr of Tarsus

July 5

St. Alban the Martyr

St. Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata

July 6

St. Agrippina the Martyr of Rome

July 7

Nativity of St. John the Baptist and Forerunner of Christ

July 8

Holy Martyr Leonida

St. Fevronia the Righteous Martyr

July 9

St. David the Righteous of Thessalonika

Appearance of the Icon of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos of Tikhvin

July 10

St. Sampson the Innkeeper of Constantinople

July 11

St. Righteous Fathers Sergius and Herman, Founders of Valaam Monastery

Synaxis of the Icon of our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos "Of the Three Hands"

Finding of the Relics of Cyrus and John the Unmercenaries

July 12

Holy Apostles Sts. Peter and Paul

July 13

Synaxis of the Twelve Holy Apostles: Peter, Andrew, James and John the sons of Zebedee, Phillip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Jude the brother of James, Simon and Matthias

July 14

Sts. Cosmas and Damian the Holy Unmercenaries

July 15

Deposition of the Precious Robe of the Theotokos in Vlachernae

St. Juvenal the Protomartyr of America and Alaska

July 16

Saint Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow

St. Anatolios, Patriarch of Constantinople

Sts. Hyacinth the Martyr of Caesarea and Theodotos and Theodota the Martyrs

Translation of the Holy Relics of our Father Among the Saints Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow

July 17

St. Andreas

God's Anointed Sufferer Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II

July 18

New Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth

St. Athanasios of Mount Athos

Uncovering of the Holy Relics of Our Righteous Father Sergius of Radonezh

July 19

St. Sisoes the Great

July 20

St. Kyriaki the Great Martyr

St. Thomas the Righteous of Malea

July 21

Great Martyr, St. Prokopios

Appearance of the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Kazan

July 22

St. Pankratios

July 23

The Venerable Anthony and Theodosius

45 Holy Martyrs of Nikopolis, Armenia

Deposition of the Precious Robe of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Moscow

July 24

Great Martyr, St. Euphemia

Princess Olga Equal-to-the-Apostles

July 25

Sts. Proklos and Hilarios the Martyrs of Ancyra

July 26

Archangel Gabriel

St. Stephanos of Saint Savvas Monastery

The Life of Saint Jacob Netsvetov

Holy Martyr Golindoux

July 27

St. Cyril of Crete

St. Aquila the Apostle among the 70

Our Holy Father Joseph the Confessor, Archbishop of Thessalonica

July 28

Great Prince Vladimir

Sts. Julitta and Kyrikos the Martyrs

July 29

St. Martyr Julia

St. Athenogenes the Holy Martyr of Heracleopolis

July 30

Great martyr, St. Marina

July 31

St. Emilianos of Bulgaria

Sunday of the Holy Fathers

August 1

Saint Seraphim of Sarov

St. Macrina the younger

Righteous Militza

Dios, Abbot of Antioch

Saint Theodore, Bishop of Edessa

August 2

Prophet Elijah (Elias)

August 3

St. Symeon the Fool for Christ

August 4

St. Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles

August 5

Icon of the Mother of God "The Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos of Pochaev"

Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All That Sorrow"

St. Ezekiel the Prophet

St. Phocas the Holy Martyr, Bishop of Sinope

August 6

Great Virgin Martyr Christina

Prince Martyrs Boris and Gleb, The Passionbearers

August 7

St. Anna (Dormition of the Mother of the Theotokos)

Saint Olympiada the Deacones

August 8

St. Paraskevi

St. Hermolaos the Holy Martyr and his Companions

August 9

All-Merciful and Great Martyr, St. Panteleimon

August 10

St. Irene the Righteous of Chrysovalantou

Sts. Prochoros, Nicanor, Timon, and Parmenas the Apostles of the 70

August 11

St. Kallinikos the Martyr of Asia Minor

Holy Virgin Martyr Theodota

August 12

Sts. Silas, Silvanos, Apainetos and Crescens (of the Seventy)

The Hieromartyr Valentine

St. Angelina of Serbia

August 13

St. Eudokimos the Righteous of Cappadocia

August 14

The Holy Seven Maccabees, Eleazar the Martyr

Procession of the Precious Cross

August 15

Saint Basil, the fool-for-Christ-sake of Moscow

Translation of the Relics of Stephen the Protomartyr

August 16

Sts. Isaacius, Dalmatus, and Faustus, Ascetics of the Dalmation Monastery

August 17

August 18

Saint Nonna

St. Oswald, Royal Martyr of Northumbria

St. Eusygnius the Martyr of Antioch

August 19

Transfiguration (Metamorphoses) of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

St. Ioseph

August 20

Martyrs Marinus the Soldier and Asterius the Senator

St. Dometios the Martyr of Persia and 2 Disciples

August 21

St. Emilian the Confessor & Bishop of Cyzikos

August 22

St. Matthias, Apostle of the 70

August 23

St. Laurence the Holy Martyr and Archdeacon of Rome

August 24

Martyr Susanna the Virgin, and others with her

Sts. Euplus the Holy Martyr and Archdeacon of Cantania

August 25

Sts. Photios and Aniketos the Martyrs of Nicomedea

August 26

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

St. Maximos the Confessor

August 27

St. Micah the Prophet

August 28

Dormition (Falling-asleep) of the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary

August 29

Translation of the Image of Our Lord and God and Savior, Jesus Christ

St. Stamatios the New Martyr

St. Diomedes the Physician and Martyr of Tarsus

August 30

Sts. Eutychlos and Eutychlanos Cassiane

St. Myron the Martyr of Cyzicus

August 31

Sts. Floros and Lauros the Monk-martyrs of Illyria



September 1

St. Andrew the General & Martyr & his 2,593 soldiers

September 2

St. Samuel the Prophet

September 3

St. Bassa the Martyr of Edessa & her sons Theogonius, Agapius & Pistus

St. Thaddeus the Apostle of the 70

September 4

St. Agathonikos the Martyr of Nicomedea & his Companion Martyrs

September 5

St. Irenaeus of Lyons

September 6

St. Kosmas of Aitolia

St. Eutyches the Hieromartyr & Disciple of St. John the Theologian

September 7

St. Titus

September 8

The Martyrs Adrian and his Wife, Natalia

September 9

St. Phanourios the Great Martyr & Newly Appeared of Rhodes

St. Poimen the Great

September 10

St. Charalambos of Crete

St. Moses the Black of Scete

September 11

Beheading of the Baptist and Forerunner St. John

September 12

St. Alexander, Patriarch of Constantinople

Saint Alexander Nevsky

September 13

The Placing of the Honorable Sash of the Most Holy Theotokos

September 14

Indiction - beginning of Church year

St. Symeon the Stylite

September 15

St. John the faster

September 16

Holy Martyr Vasilissa

September 17

September 18

Holy Prophet Zacharias

Holy Martyr Raisa

September 19

September 20

September 21

Nativity of the Theotokos

September 22

Saints Joachim and Anna

September 23

September 24

September 25

Apodosis of the Dormition of our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary

September 26

September 27

Feast of the Elevation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross

September 28

Holy Martyr Nicetas

September 29

Holy Martyr Princess Ludmila

September 30

Sts. Faith, Hope, and Charity and their Mother Sophia

October 1

St. Eumenios, Bishop of Gortyna

October 2

Sts. Trophimos, Sabbatios, and Dorymedon the Martyrs

October 3

Martyrs prince Michael and boyar Theodore

Faithful Prince Oleg of Briansk

St. Eustathios the Great Martyr, his wife and two children

October 4

Prelate Dimitry of Rostov

Apodosis of the Elevation of the Venerable and Life-Giving Cross

St. Quadratus the Apostle

St. Jonah the Prophet

October 5

St. Phocas the Martyr, Bishop of Sinope

October 6

Sts. Joachim and Anna, parents of the Theotokos

The Conception of St. John the Baptist

October 7

Holy Protomartyr and Equal-to-the-Apostles Thekla

October 8

Venerable Sergius of Radonezh

St. Euphrosyne of Alexandria

Sts. Peter, Alexis, Jonah, Hermogenes and Tikhon, Metropolitans of Moscow

October 9

Repose of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist St. John the Theologian

Holy Apostle and Evangelist St. John the Theologian (also 21 May)

October 10

St. Kallistratos the Martyr and his 49 Companions

October 11

King Wenceslas (Wenceslaus)

St. Baruch the Prophet

St. Chariton the Confessor

October 12

Faithful prince Viacheslav

St. Kyriakos the Hermit of Palestine

October 13

Prelate Michael of Kiev

St. Gregory the Illuminator, Bishop of Armenia

October 14

Venerable Roman the Melodist

St. Ananias, Apostle of the 70

The Feast of the Holy Skepi of the Theotokos

October 15

Andrew, Fool-for-Christ-sake

Sts. Cyprian the Holy Martyr, Justina the Virgin-martyr of Nicomedea

October 16

St. Dionysios the Areopagite

October 17

Martyrs Cosmas, Damian, Leontius and others

St. Hierotheos, Bishop of Athens

October 18

St. Charitina the Martyr

October 19

Thomas the Apostle of the 12

October 20

Sts. Sergius and Bacchus the Great Martyrs of Syria

October 21

Saint Pelagia

Saint Thaisia

October 22

St. Abraham the Righteous and his nephew Lot

St. Andronicus and his wife Athanasia of Egypt

St. James the Apostle, son of Alphaeus

October 23

Sts. Eulampios and Eulampia the Martyrs

The 14 Holy Elders of Optina Monastery

October 24

The Holy Martyrs Zinais and Philonilla

St. Philip the Apostle of the 70, one of the 7 Deacons

St. Theophanes the Confessor, Bishop of Nicaea

October 25

Sts. Provos, Andronicus and Tarachos, Martyrs of Tarsus

St. Symeon the New Theologian

October 26

Sts. Carpos, Papylos, Agathodoros, & Agathoniki, the Martyrs of Pergamus

October 27

Sts. Nazarios, Gervasios, Protasios, & Celsius of Milan

St. Kosmas the Hagiopolite

St. Righteous Paraskeve of Serbia

October 28

St. Loukianos the Martyr of Antioch

October 29

St. Longinos the Centurion

October 30

St. Hosea the Prophet

St. Andrew the Righteous Monk-martyr of Crete

St. Lazaros

October 31

St. Luke the Evangelist



November 1

St. Joel the Prophet

St. Varys the Martyr

St. John of Rilas

St. John the Wonderworker of Kronstadt

November 2

St. Artemios the Great Martyr of Antioch

St. Gerasimos of Cephalonia

November 3

St. Hilarion the Great (~371 AD)

November 4

St. Averkios, Equal-to-the-Apostles and Wonderworker of Hierapolis

Seven Holy Martyred Youths of Ephesus

November 5

The Holy Apostle James, the Lord’s Brother

November 6

Sts. Arethas the Great Martyr & Syncletiki and her two daughters

November 7

Sts. Marcianos and Martyrios the Notaries, Chrysanthe

November 8

The Holy and Great Martyr Dimitry

Commemoration of the Great Earthquake in Constantinople

November 9

St. Nestor the Martyr of Thessaloniki

November 10

The Holy Martyr Paraskeva

Holy Martyrs Terrence and Eunice

Our Righteous Father Steven the Sabbaite

November 11

Our Holy Mother, the Martyr Anastasia the Roman

St. Timotheos the Esphigmenitis (1820 AD)

Sts. Avramios the Recluse & his niece Maria of Mesopotamia

November 12

Sts. Zenobios & Zenobia the Martyrs

November 13

Sts. Amplias, Apellos, Stachyos, Urbanos, Aristovoulos & Narcissos of the 70

November 14

Saints Cosmas and Damian

November 15

Sts. Akindynos, Pegasios, Aphthonios, Elpidephoros, & Anempodistos of Persia

November 16

Sts. Acepsimas the Bishop, Joseph the Presbyter, & Aeithalas the Deacon, Martyrs of Persia

Dedication of the Temple of the Holy Great Martyr George in Lydia

November 17

St. Ioannikos the Great

St. Nikandros, Bishop of Myra

November 18

Sts. Galaktion and his wife Episteme, the Martyrs of Emesa

November 19

St. Paul the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople

November 20

33 Martyrs of Melitene

St. Lazarus the Wonderworker

November 21

Archangels. Archangel Michael

November 22

St. Nektarios the Wonderworker, Metropolitan of Pentapolis

Sts. Onesiphoros and Porphyrios of Ephesus

St. Matrona, Abbess of Constantinople

November 23

Sts. Erastos, Olympas, Herodion, Sosipatros, Quartus, Tertios, Apostles of the 70

St. Orestes the Martyr of Cappadocia

November 24

The Martyrs Victor and Stephanis

St. Martin of Tours

St. Menas of Egypt

Holy Martyr Vincent

November 25

St. John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria

St. Nilus the Ascetic of Sinai

Saint Martin, Bishop of Tours

November 26

St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople (also January 1, 27 and 30)

November 27

St. Philip the Apostle

November 28

Sts. Gurias, Samonas, & Avivos, Martyrs & Confessors of Edessa

November 29

Holy Apostle St. Matthew

November 30

St. Gregory the Wonderworker

Righteous Mother Hilda of Whitby

December 1

St. Plato the Great Martyr of Ancyra

Holy Martyr Romanus

December 2

Holy Father John of the Kronstadt

St. Obadiah the Prophet

December 3

St. Gregory the Righteous of Decapolis

St. Proclus, Archbishop of Constantinople

December 4

Presentation of the Virgin Mary to the Temple

December 5

Archippus the Apostles, Philemon the Apostle & his wife, Apphia, Onesimos the Disciple of Paul

Holy Martyr Cecilia and Those with Her

December 6

Hierarch Mithrophanus of Voronezh

St. Amphilochios, Bishop of Iconium

December 7

Great Martyr St. Katherine

Our Holy Father Clement, Pope of Rome

St. Peter, Archbishop of Alexandria

December 8

St. Katherine the Great Martyr of Alexandria

St. Mercurios the Great Martyr of Caesarea in Cappadocia

December 9

St. Stylianos

Saint Innocent of Irkutsk

St. Alypios the Stylite of Adrianopolis

St. Stylianos the Monk of Paphlagonia

December 10

St. James the Great Martyr of Persia

December 11

St. Stephen the New

Sts. Irenarchos & his Companion Martyrs at Sebaste

December 12

Sts. Paramonus, Philumenus, and their 370 Companion Martyrs in Bithynia

December 13

Holy Apostle St. Andrew

December 14

Saint Philaret the Merciful

St. Nahum the Prophet

December 15

December 16

St. Zephaniah the Prophet

December 17

St. John Damascene

St. Barbara

December 18

St. Sabbas the Sanctified

December 19

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

December 20

St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan

Holy Father John of Kronstadt

December 21

St. Patapios the Righteous of Thebes

December 22

The Conception by St. Anna of the Most Holy Theotokos

December 23

Saint Angelina of Serbia

Sts. Menas, Hermogenes, & Eugraphos, Martyrs of Alexandria

December 24

St. Daniel the Stylite of Constantinople

December 25

St. Spyridon

Saint Herman of Alaska

Holy New Martyr Peter the Aleut

December 26

Martyrs Eugenie and others

St. Lucia the Virgin-martyr

December 27

Sts. Thyrsos, Leucius, and Callinicos, Martyrs of Apollonia

December 28

St. Eleutherios

December 29

St. Haggai the Prophet

Our Righeous Mother Blessed Empress Theophania

December 30

Prophet Daniel

St. Dionysios of Zakynthos, the Wonder-Worker

December 31

The Holy Martyrs Sebastian, Zoe, and others

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