Saint Juvenal was (together with Saint Herman; see Dec. 12) a member of the first
mission sent from Russia to proclaim the Gospel in the New World. He
was a priest-monk, and a zealous follower of the Apostles, and baptized
hundreds of the natives of Alaska. He was martyred by enraged pagans
in 1796.
Apolytikion in the Fourth Tone:
Striving to free men from the darkness of idols, thou didst break forth bright
as the sun as a Martyr when thou wast slaughtered for professing Christ,
O Juvenal. Wherefore, as thou lookest down like a star out of Heaven, shine
on us with beams of joy, for thick gloom doth surround us, thou who art splendid
with the light of Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, Whom thou didst preach
to all.
Kontakion in the
Fourth Tone:
As the first to grace our land, O sacred Martyr, with confession unto death,
keep us who honour thee with hymns in the confession of Jesus Christ, O righteous
Father, most ven'rable Juvenal.
Source: http://www.goarch.org
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