The Believer of Right, "Orthodox" Rostislav (christened Michael), prince of Kiev, was the grandson of Vladimir Manomah, son of Mstislav I and brother of prince Vsevolod. When Mstislav inherited the Kievan throne, he gave his third son, Rostislav, the rule of Smolensk. Rostislav ruled Smolensk as a prince more than 40 years. He founded many towns and built many churches in the Smolensk citadel. During his time the Smolensk arch-diocese was formed.
In the 50th year of the 12th century, he was embroiled in a war for Kiev, which was waged by the princely families of Olgovich and Manomahov. Rostislav became prince of Kiev in 1159. He was distinguished by high Christian qualities: his love for his subjects, his wish of good for all and the elimination of offenses. It is also known that Rostislav strove to become a monk, but was unable to realize his wish. His spiritual mentor was Polycarp, prior of the Kievo-Pechersk monastery. Rostislav was loved by the people. While returning from a journey to Novgorod he became ill and gave up his soul in the year 1167. He was buried in Kiev, in the Theodore monastery founded by his father.
Source: http://www.fatheralexander.org
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