The Martyrs were from Edessa of Macedonia. Bassa was the wife of a certain Valerian,
a priest of the idols, to whom she bore three sons and raised them
in piety. She was betrayed with her sons to the proconsul by her own
husband; each of her sons was tormented before her and beheaded. For
refusing to worship the idols, she was imprisoned, cast into water
and then fire, was stoned, and remaining unharmed, was brought to the
temple to worship the idols. Laying hold upon the idol of Zeus, she
overturned it and broke it to pieces. After being preserved through
further torments, she was beheaded, about the year 290, in the reign
of Maximian.
Kontakion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone:
Valiantly following the footsteps of Solomone, thou gavest courage to thy sons
to suffer martyrdom, O divinely-blessed Bassa, thou rock of courage. And
when thou hadst thrice endured thy three sons' sufferings, thou through many
grievous torments wast joined unto them. Hence, we cry to you: Rejoice, O
victors in martyrdom.
Source: http://www.goarch.org
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