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You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery;'                but I tell you that everyone who gazes at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.                If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna.                If your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off, and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna.                'It was also said, 'Whoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorce,'                but I tell you that whoever puts away his wife, except for the cause of sexual immorality, makes her an adulteress; and whoever marries her when she is put away commits adultery.                'Again you have heard that it was said to them of old time, 'You shall not make false vows, but shall perform to the Lord your vows,'                but I tell you, don't swear at all: neither by heaven, for it is the throne of God;                nor by the earth, for it is the footstool of his feet; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King.                Neither shall you swear by your head, for you can't make one hair white or black.                But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No' be 'No.' Whatever is more than these is of the evil one.                'You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.'*                But I tell you, don't resist him who is evil; but whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also.                If anyone sues you to take away your coat, let him have your cloak also.                Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.                Give to him who asks you, and don't turn away him who desires to borrow from you.                'You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor,* and hate your enemy.*'                But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you,                that you may be children of your Father who is in heaven.               
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The Divine Comedy


The Divine Comedy (Italian: Divina Commedia) is an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri between c. 1308 and his death in 1321. It is widely considered the preeminent work of Italian literature, and is seen as one of the greatest works of world literature. The poem's imaginative vision of the afterlife is representative of the medieval world-view as it had developed in the Western Church by the 14th century. It helped establish the Tuscan language, in which it is written, as the standardized Italian language. It is divided into three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso.

The Divine Comedy

HELL (or The Inferno)

The Divine Comedy

Hell: Canto I (Dante lost in a Dark Wood; the Leopard, the Lion and the She–wolf; Virgil offers to guide him)

Hell: Canto II (Virgil explains why he's come; Dante takes courage)

Hell: Canto III (The Gate of Hell; the Vestibule; the Indecisive; Charon)

Hell: Canto IV (Limbo, the First Circle; the Unbaptized; the Poets)

Hell: Canto V (The Second Circle; Minos; the Carnal Sinners; Paolo and Francesca)

Hell: Canto VI (The third Circle; the Gluttons; Cerberus; Ciacco)

Hell: Canto VII (Plutus; the Fourth Circle; the Prodigal and Avaricious; Fortune; the Fifth Circle; the Wrathful and Sullen)

Hell: Canto VIII (The Fifth Circle; Phlegyas; the Rebellious Angels; the City of Dis)

Hell: Canto IX (The Three Furies; Medusa; the Angel; the Sixth Circle; the Heretics)

Hell: Canto X (The Heretics; Farinata; Cavalcante)

Hell: Canto XI (The Sixth Circle; the Tomb of the Heretical Pope, Anastasius; the Plan of Hell)

Hell: Canto XII (The Seventh Circle; the Minotaur; the Violent; the Centaurs; Chiron; the Tyrants; the Murderers)

Hell: Canto XIII (The Second Round of the Seventh Circle; the Wood of the Violent Against themselves; the Harpies; Pier delle Vigne; Lano; Jacome da Sant Andrea; Florence)

Hell: Canto XIV (The Third Round of the Seventh Circle; the Burning Sand; the Violent Against God, Nature, Art; Capaneus; the Old Man of Crete; the Rivers of Hell)

Hell: Canto XV (The Third Round of the Seventh Circle; the Sodomites; Brunetto Latini)

Hell: Canto XVI (The Third Round of the Seventh Circle; Three Florentines; the Cord)

Hell: Canto XVII (Geryon; the Usurers; Descent to the Eighth Circle)

Hell: Canto XVIII (The Eighth Circle, Malebolge, First Bolgia; the Pimps and Seducers; Jason; the Second Bolgia; the Flatterers; Alessio Interminei; Thas)

Hell: Canto XIX (The Eighth Circle, third Bolgia; the simonists; Nicholas III; the poet's invective against simoniacal popes)

Hell: Canto XX (The Eighth Circle, Fourth Bolgia; the diviners; Amphiaraus, Tiresias, Manto, Eurypylus)

Hell: Canto XXI (The Eighth Circle, Fifth Bolgia; the grafters; the boiling pitch; Malacoda; the escort)

Hell: Canto XXII (The Eighth Circle, Fifth Bolgia; the grafters, Barbariccia, the Navarrese, Alichino, Calcabrina)

Hell: Canto XXIII (The Eighth Circle, Fifth Bolgia; slide to the sixth Bolgia; the hypocrites; the jovial friars; Caiaphas; Virgil's distress)

Hell: Canto XXIV (The Eighth Circle, Sixth Bolgia; climb to the seventh Bolgia; the thieves; Vanni Fucci; the prediction)

Hell: Canto XXV (Vanni Fucci's obscene gesture to God; Cacus; the three shades; Cianfa and Agnello merging; Buoso; Puccio Sciancato)

Hell: Canto XXVI (The Eighth Circle; prophecy against Florence; view of the Eighth Bolgia; the deceivers in flames; Ulysses)

Hell: Canto XXVII (The Eighth Circle, Eighth Bolgia; the fraudulent counselors; Guido da Montefeltro)

Hell: Canto XXVIII (The Eighth Circle, Ninth Bolgia; the sowers of scandal and schism; Mohammed; Curio; Mosca; Bertran de Born)

Hell: Canto XXIX (The Eighth Circle, Ninth Bolgia; Geri del Bello; the Tenth Bolgia; the Falsfiers; Griffolino; Capocchio)

Hell: Canto XXX (The Eighth Circle, Tenth Bolgia; the Falsifiers; Gianni Schicchi; Myrrha; Master Adam; Potiphar's Wife; Sinon; Virgil's Reproof)

Hell: Canto XXXI (The Bank to the Ninth Circle; the Giants Nimrod, Ephialtes, Briareus; Antaeus Lowers them to the Central, Frozen Pit)

Hell: Canto XXXII (The Ninth Circle, First Ring, Caïna; the Traitors to Kin in the Ice; Camiscion de' Pazzi; the Second Ring, Antenora; the Traitors to Homeland or Party; Bocca; one Sinner gnawing another)

Hell: Canto XXXIII (The Ninth Circle, Second Ring; Ugolino's Story; the Third Ring, Ptolomea; Fra Alberigo and Branca d'Oria)

Hell: Canto XXXIV (The Ninth Circle, Fourth Ring, Judecca; Dis or Lucifer; Judas, Brutus, Cassius; the Southern hemisphere; the Stars)

The Divine Comedy



Purgatory: Canto I (Invocation to the Muses - Dawn of Easter on the shore of Purgatory - The Four Stars - Cato - The cleansing of Dante from the stains of Hell)

Purgatory: Canto II (Sunrise - The Poets on the shore - Coming of a boat, guided by an angel, bearing souls to Purgatory - Their landing - Casella and his song - Cato hurries the souls to the mountain)

Purgatory: Canto III (Ante-Purgatory - Souls of those who have died in contumacy of the Church - Manfred)

Purgatory: Canto IV (Ante-Purgatory - Ascent to a shelf of the mountain - The negligent, who postponed repentance to the last hour - Belacqua)

Purgatory: Canto V (Ante-Purgatory - Spirits who had delayed repentance, and met with death by violence, but died repentant - Jacopo del Cassero - Buonconte da Montefeltro - Via de' Tolomei)

Purgatory: Canto VI (Ante-Purgatory - More spirits who had deferred repentance till they were overtaken by a violent death - Efficacy of prayer - Sordello - Apostrophe to Italy)

Purgatory: Canto VII (Virgil makes himself known to Sordello - Sordello leads the Poets to the Valley of the Princes who have been negligent of salvation - He points them out by name)

Purgatory: Canto VIII (Valley of the Princes - Two Guardian Angels - Kino Visconti - The Serpent - Corrado Malaspina)

Purgatory: Canto IX (Slumber and Dream of Dante - The Eagle - Lucia - The Gate of Purgatory - The Angelic Gatekeeper - Seven P's inscribed on Dante's Forehead - Entrance to the First Ledge)

Purgatory: Canto X (First Ledge: the Proud - Examples of Humility sculptured on the Rock)

Purgatory: Canto XI (First Ledge: the Proud - Prayer - Omberto Aldobrandeschi - Oderisi d' Agubbio - Provinzan Salvani)

Purgatory: Canto XII (First Ledge: the Proud - Examples of the punishment of Pride graven on the pavement - Meeting with an Angel who removes one of the P's - Ascent to the Second Ledge)

Purgatory: Canto XIII (Second Ledge the Envious - Examples of Love - The Shades in haircloth, and with sealed eyes - Sapia of Siena)

Purgatory: Canto XIV (Second Ledge: the Envious - Guido del Duca - Rinieri de' Calboli - Examples of the punishment of Envy)

Purgatory: Canto XV (Second Ledge: the Envious - An Angel removes the second P from Dante's forehead - Discourse concerning the Sharing of Good - Ascent to the Third Ledge: the Wrathful - Examples of Forbearance seen in Vision)

Purgatory: Canto XVI (Third Ledge the Wrathful - Marco Lombardo - His discourse on Free Will, and the Corruption of the World)

Purgatory: Canto XVII (Third Ledge the Wrathful - Issue from the Smoke - Vision of examples of Anger - Ascent to the Fourth Ledge, where Sloth is purged - Second Nightfall - Virgil explains how Love is the root of Virtue and of Sin)

Purgatory: Canto XVIII (Fourth Ledge The Slothful - Discourse of Virgil on Love and Free Will - Throng of Spirits running in haste to redeem their Sin - The Abbot of San Zone - Dante falls asleep)

Purgatory: Canto XIX (Fourth Ledge: the Slothful - Dante dreams of the Siren - The Angel of the Pass - Ascent to the Fifth Ledge - Pope Adrian V)

Purgatory: Canto XX (Fifth Ledge: the Avaricious - The Spirits celebrate examples of Poverty and Bounty - Hugh Capet - His discourse on his descendants - Trembling of the Mountain)

Purgatory: Canto XXI (Fifth Ledge: the Avaricious - Statius - Cause of the trembling of the Mountain - Statius does honor to Virgil)

Purgatory: Canto XXII (Ascent to the Sixth Ledge - Discourse of Statius and Virgil - Entrance to the Ledge: the Gluttonous - The Mystic Tree - Examples of Temperance)

Purgatory: Canto XXIII (Sixth Ledge: the Gluttonous - Forese Donati - Nella - Rebuke of the women of Florence)

Purgatory: Canto XXIV (Sixth Ledge: the Gluttonous - Forese Donati - Bonagiunta of Lucca - Pope Martin IV - Ubaldin dalla Pila - Bonifazio - Messer Marchese - Prophecy of Bonagiunta concerning Gentucca, and of Forese concerning Corso de' Donati - Second Mystic Tree - The Angel of the Pass)

Purgatory: Canto XXV (Ascent to the Seventh Ledge - Discourse of Statius on generation, the infusion of the Soul into the body, and the corporeal semblance of Souls after death - The Seventh Ledge: the Lustful - The mode of their Purification)

Purgatory: Canto XXVI (Seventh Ledge: the Lustful - Sinners in the fire, going in opposite directions - Guido Guinicelli - Arnaut Daniel)

Purgatory: Canto XXVII (Seventh Ledge: the Lustful - Passage through the Flames - Stairway in the rock - Night upon the stairs - Dream of Dante - Morning - Ascent to the Earthly Paradise - Last words of Virgil)

Purgatory: Canto XXVIII (The Earthly Paradise - The Forest - A Lady gathering flowers on the bank of a little stream - Discourse with her concerning the nature of the place)

Purgatory: Canto XXIX (The Earthly Paradise - Mystic Procession or Triumph of the Church)

Purgatory: Canto XXX (The Earthly Paradise - Beatrice appears - Departure of Virgil - Reproof of Dante by Beatrice)

Purgatory: Canto XXXI (The Earthly Paradise - Reproachful discourse of Beatrice, amid confession of Dante - Passage of Lethe - Appeal of the Virtues to Beatrice - Her Unveiling)

Purgatory: Canto XXXII (The Earthly Paradise - Return of the Triumphal procession - The Chariot bound to the Mystic Tree - Sleep of Dante - His waking to find the Triumph departed - Transformation of the Chariot - The Harlot and the Giant)

Purgatory: Canto XXXIII (The Earthly Paradise - Prophecy of Beatrice concerning one who shall restore the Empire - Her discourse with Dante - The river Eunoe - Dante drinks of it, and is fit to ascend to Heaven)



Paradise: Canto I (Ascent to First Heaven - Proem - Invocation - Beatrice and Dante ascend to the Sphere of Fire - Beatrice explains the cause of their ascent)

Paradise: Canto II (First Heaven: Sphere of the Moon - Proem - The cause of Spots on the Moon - Influence of the Heavens)

Paradise: Canto III (First Heaven: Sphere of the Moon - Spirits whose vows had been broken - Piccarda Donati - The Empress Constance)

Paradise: Canto IV (First Heaven: Sphere of the Moon - Doubts of Dante, respecting the justice of Heaven and the abode of the blessed, solved by Beatrice - Question of Dante as to the possibility of reparation for broken vows)

Paradise: Canto V (First Heaven: Sphere of the Moon, Second Heaven: Sphere of Mercury - The sanctity of vows, and the seriousness with which they are to be made or changed - The shade of Justinian)

Paradise: Canto VI (Second Heaven: Sphere of Mercury - Justinian tells of his own life - The story of the Roman Eagle - Spirits in the planet Mercury - Romeo)

Paradise: Canto VII (Second Heaven: Sphere of Mercury - Discourse of Beatrice - The Fall of Man - The scheme of his Redemption)

Paradise: Canto VIII (Third Heaven: Sphere of Venus - Spirits of Lovers, Source of the order and the varieties in mortal things)

Paradise: Canto IX (Third Heaven: Sphere of Venus - Conversation of Dante with Cunizza da Romano - With Folco of Marseilles - Rahab - Avarice of the Papal Court)

Paradise: Canto X (Fourth Heaven: Sphere of the Sun - Spirits of the wise, and the learned in theology - St. Thomas Aquinas - He names to Dante those who surround him)

Paradise: Canto XI (Fourth Heaven: Sphere of the Sun - The Vanity of worldly desires - St. Thomas Aquinas undertakes to solve two doubts perplexing Dante - He narrates the life of St. Francis of Assisi)

Paradise: Canto XII (Fourth Heaven: Sphere of the Sun - Second Circle of the spirits of wise religious men, doctors of the Church and teachers - St. Bonaventura narrates the life of St. Dominic, and tells the names of those who form the Circle with him)

Paradise: Canto XIII (Fourth Heaven: Sphere of the Sun - St. Thomas Aquinas speaks again, and explains the relation of the wisdom of Solomon to that of Adam and of Christ, and declares the vanity of human judgment)

Paradise: Canto XIV (Fourth Heaven: Sphere of the Sun, Fifth Heaven: Sphere of Mars - At the prayer of Beatrice, Solomon tells of the glorified body of the blessed after the Last Judgment - Souls of the Soldiery of Christ in the form of a Cross with the figure of Christ thereon - Hymn of the Spirits)

Paradise: Canto XV (Fifth Heaven: Sphere of Mars - Dante is welcomed by his ancestor, Cacciaguida - Cacciaguida tells of his family, and of the simple life of Florence in the old days)

Paradise: Canto XVI (Fifth Heaven: Sphere of Mars - The boast of blood - Cacciaguida continues his discourse concerning the old and the new Florence)

Paradise: Canto XVII (Fifth Heaven: Sphere of Mars - Dante questions Cacciaguida as to his fortunes - Cacciaguida replies, foretelling the exile of Dante, and the renown of his Poem)

Paradise: Canto XVIII (Fifth Heaven: Sphere of Mars, Sixth Heaven: Sphere of Jupiter - Words shaped in light upon the planet by the Spirits - Denunciation of the avarice of the Popes)

Paradise: Canto XIX (Sixth Heaven: Sphere of Jupiter - The voice of the Eagle - It speaks of the mysteries of Divine justice; of the necessity of Faith for salvation; of the sins of certain kings)

Paradise: Canto XX (Sixth Heaven: Sphere of Jupiter - The Song of the Just - Princes who have loved righteousness, in the eye of the Eagle - Spirits, once Pagans, in bliss - Faith and Salvation - Predestination)

Paradise: Canto XXI (Seventh Heaven: Sphere of Saturn - Spirits of those who had given themselves to devout contemplation - The Golden Stairway - St. Peter Damian - Predestination - The luxury of modern Prelates)

Paradise: Canto XXII (Seventh Heaven: Sphere of Saturn - Beatrice reassures Dante - St. Benedict appears - He tells of the founding of his Order, and of the falling away of its brethren. Beatrice and Dante ascend to the Starry Heaven - The constellation of the Twins - Sight of the Earth)

Paradise: Canto XXIII (Eighth Heaven: Sphere of the Fixed Stars - The Triumph of Christ)

Paradise: Canto XXIV (Eighth Heaven: Sphere of the Fixed Stars - St. Peter examines Dante concerning Faith, and approves his answer)

Paradise: Canto XXV (Eighth Heaven: Sphere of the Fixed Stars - St. James examines Dante concerning Hope - St. John appears,with a brightness so dazzling as to deprive Dante, for the time, of sight)

Paradise: Canto XXVI (Eighth Heaven: Sphere of the Fixed Stars - St. John examines Dante concerning Love - Dante's sight restored - Adam appears, and answers questions put to him by Dante)

Paradise: Canto XXVII (Eighth Heaven: Sphere of the Fixed Stars, Ninth Heaven: the Primum Mobile - Denunciation by St. Peter of his degenerate successors - Dante gazes upon the Earth - Ascent of Beatrice and Dante to the Crystalline Heaven - Its nature - Beatrice rebukes the covetousness of mortals)

Paradise: Canto XXVIII (Ninth Heaven: the Primum Mobile - The Heavenly Hierarchy)

Paradise: Canto XXIX (Ninth Heaven: the Primum Mobile - Discourse of Beatrice concerning the creation and nature of the Angels - She reproves the presumption and foolishness of preachers)

Paradise: Canto XXX (Tenth Heaven: the Empyrean - Ascent to the Empyrean - The River of Light - The celestial Rose - The seat of Henry VII - The last words of Beatrice)

Paradise: Canto XXXI (Tenth Heaven: the Primum Mobile - The Rose of Paradise - St. Bernard - Prayer to Beatrice - The glory of the Blessed Virgin)

Paradise: Canto XXXII (Tenth Heaven: the Empyrean - St. Bernard describes the order of the Rose, and points out many of the Saints - The children in Paradise - The angelic festival - The patricians of the Court of Heaven)

Paradise: Canto XXXIII (Tenth Heaven: the Empyrean - Prayer to the Virgin - The Beatific Vision - The Ultimate Salvation)

* * *

Translator: Rev. H. F. Cary

The Divine ComedyProject Gutenberg's The Divine Comedy, Complete, by Dante Alighieri
This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at
Title: The Divine Comedy, Complete The Vision of Paradise, Purgatory and Hell
Author: Dante Alighieri
Illustrator: Gustave Dore
Translator: Rev. H. F. Cary
Release Date: September, 2005 [Etext #8800]
Last Updated: November 30, 2012
Language: English
Produced by David Widger


Contents: "The Divine Comedy"

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Lesen Sie auch in Deutsch: Göttliche Komödie

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Читайте также: Данте Алигьери. Божественная комедия.


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