Christian quotations by Don Bosco. Love. Christian portal
I tell you, my friends, don't be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.                But I will warn you whom you should fear. Fear him, who after he has killed, has power to cast into Gehenna. Yes, I tell you, fear him.                Aren't five sparrows sold for two assaria coins? Not one of them is forgotten by God.                But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore don't be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows.                I tell you, everyone who confesses me before men, him will the Son of Man also confess before the angels of God;                but he who denies me in the presence of men will be denied in the presence of the angels of God.               
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Christian quotations by Don Bosco: Love

John Bosco photo Christian quotations by Don Bosco"The Lord turns everything to the advantage of those that love Him."

"Constantly love the needy and the poor."

"[When asked about the secret of his immense success with the young, he simply replied]

"If you want to be loved, you yourselves must love, and make your children feel that you love them."

"Love is repaid by love."

"Not all of us can fast, or undertake arduous journeys in God’s service, or give generous alms, but we can all love. All it takes is the sincere desire to do so."

"Even in boys, love of God should express itself in zeal."

"As long as we are in this world, we’ll never be able to love God as He deserves. We only need to do our best. Only in Heaven can we love Him as we should. There we shall see Him as He really is; we shall know Him and enjoy His goodness, His glory, and His Love."

"The only purpose for which [God] created you was to be loved and served [by you] in this life."

"Remember the precept that St. John the Evangelist used to give to his disciples: “Love one another.” Since it is not a mere exhortation, but a command, it would be sinful to do otherwise. Therefore, do away with insults, quarrels, envy, revenge, mockery, or bad will. Be good to one another. This will prove that you love each other like brothers."

"Let us ask Jesus to come and steal something from us – your hearts and mine."

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  • Quotations about upbringing children

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