Christian quotations by Don Bosco. Charity. Christian portal
And if thy hand cause thee to stumble, cut it off: it is good for thee to enter into life maimed, rather than having thy two hands to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire.                where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.                And if thy foot cause thee to stumble, cut it off: it is good for thee to enter into life halt, rather than having thy two feet to be cast into hell, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.                And if thine eye cause thee to stumble, cast it out: it is good for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell;                where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.               
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Christian quotations by Don Bosco: Charity

John Bosco photo Christian quotations by Don Bosco"In all things, I want you to practice charity."

"Charity is what sets the sons of God apart from the sons of Satan and of the world."

"We cultivate charity in the habit of humility."

"Let us so conduct ourselves that anyone we are dealing with may leave us satisfied. Let us make friends with everyone who speaks with us. We must do good to all. Therefore, let us be courteous with strangers; rich or poor, they expect it. In fact, those who are quite poor expect it more than others."

"Charity on the part of those who command, charity on the part of those who obey."

"Above all, let us practice charity among ourselves, too. If you have something against a companion of yours, get it off your chest right away without fear; do not hold a grudge. You may say something unwise, but it is a lesser evil. Say it and be done with it."

"He [St. Aloysius Gonzaga] loved most those who were unkind to him."

"Forget the services you have rendered to others, but not those rendered to you."

"Do not write anything offensive: scripta manent [what is written remains]."

"I beg you most earnestly to avoid harsh, cutting remarks; treat each other as good brothers."

"Always tend to think well of other people. Give them credit at least for their good intentions. Never throw back into their face wrongs already forgiven. Do good to all; harm no one."

"On thing I would stress: do not offend charity."

"It’s not numbers [of our members] that give glory to God, but charity and fervor."

"If we practice charity, every community will be a little heaven."

"What a wonderful earthly paradise this house of ours would be, how many acts of virtue the angels would admire, how many more blessings God would bestow upon us, and how happy the Blessed Virgin would be if we all resolve to be pleasant, helpful, understanding, and forgiving for the sake of charity."

"When you hear reports of anyone, try to gather all the facts before you pass judgment. You will often hear things which appear to be beams and are merely specks."

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