"Love the Church, revere the Holy Father, receive the sacraments often, frequently visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, be very devout to the Blessed Virgin, offer Her your heart, and you will be able to overcome all battles and allurements. When it is a question of doing good and rejecting or combating error, trust in Jesus and Mary, and you will be ready to tread human respect underfoot and even suffer martyrdom." "1. A word of advice: Frequent confession. "Go to Mass every day and if possible, serve it. Do a little spiritual reading. Say devoutly your morning and evening prayers. Every morning make a brief meditation on a truth of our faith." "He does much who does little but does well what he has to do." "How much harm could have been prevented and how much good could have been done, if those who are negligent, too outspoken, or quarrelsome had a companion at their side to whisper a good word. How often an exhortation to visit the Blessed Sacrament and Our Lady, to go to confession, or to do some good reading is the beginning of a lad’s eternal salvation! And let all accept the good advice gratefully. After all, good advice is not so plentiful, and we should consider ourselves lucky to get it." "Never seek advice from the proud or the inexperienced." "Unfortunately, parents are not always good counselors because they are not always guided by what is best for their son’s spiritual welfare, but by worldly considerations..." "But if your parents live their faith, they are your best counselors because they know you intimately and their advice can be naught but good and well-founded. Generally, if you ask their advice properly, you will get it." "I urge you to help each other save your souls by good example and advice." "He who gives his companions good advice performs a great act of charity." Read other quotations by Don Bosco
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