Christian quotations by Don Bosco. about himself. Christian portal
Don't be anxious for your life, what you will eat, nor yet for your body, what you will wear.                Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing.                Consider the ravens: they don't sow, they don't reap, they have no warehouse or barn, and God feeds them. How much more valuable are you than birds!                Which of you by being anxious can add a cubit to his height?                If then you aren't able to do even the least things, why are you anxious about the rest?                Consider the lilies, how they grow. They don't toil, neither do they spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.                But if this is how God clothes the grass in the field, which today exists, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith?                Don't seek what you will eat or what you will drink; neither be anxious.                For the nations of the world seek after all of these things, but your Father knows that you need these things.                But seek God's Kingdom, and all these things will be added to you.               
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Christian quotations by Don Bosco: about himself

John Bosco photo Christian quotations by Don Bosco"[A memento to his Salesians before he died]
Frequent Communion and devotion to Our Lady will be their safeguard."

"[January 30, 1888 – During the night he slowly recited the Act of Contrition. Raising his arms heavenward and then folding his hands, he repeated many times.]
May your holy Will be done!"

"[January 26, 1888 – to Father Sala who reminded him of the great results of his good works]
Yes. What I did, I did for the Lord...More could have been done...Our Congregation is led by God and protected by Mary Help of Christians."

"[On January 28, 1888, Don Bosco's final days]
Tell the boys that I shall be waiting for them all in Paradise."

"[December 29, 1887, to Father Bonetti, who requested a memento for the Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians]
Obedience. Practice it and see to it that it is practiced."

"[On December 24, 1887, Don Bosco's final days]
Please look in the pockets of my clothes for a wallet and a small purse. I think they are empty, but at any rate give all the money you may find to Father Rua. I want it said that I died without a cent in my pocket."

"[On December 24, 1887, Don Bosco's final days]
There is only one thing I ask of the Lord: that I may save my poor soul. I urge you to encourage the Salesians to work with zeal and dedication. Work, work! Always and unceasingly strive to save souls."

"[Words spoken in some of Don Bosco's final days]
My children are still asking for bread and I can no longer beg for them. Those who want to help them must not wait for me to come."

"[In a moment of delirium, as he was dying]
Pray! Pray, but with faith – with living faith! Courage! Onward, ever onward!"

"The only sacrifice I shall have to make is leaving you."

"[One of his last messages to his Salesians]
Live together as brothers, love each other. The protection of Our Lady, Help of Christians, will always be with you."

"[The memento he wanted to leave his children]
Frequent Communion and devotion to Our Blessed Lady."

"[To some boys]
Let those who have a home go to it, and those who have none, come with me."

Christian quotations by Don Bosco"[Near the end of his life, on December 19, 1887]
I wish to go to heaven soon; from there I shall be able to do much more for our pious Society and for my sons. From there I will watch over them. Down here I can no longer do anything for them."

"[To one who asked if his presence would remain even after his death]
Yes, I shall come here. I shall remain here as guardian."

"Give me plenty of money, give me millions and you’ll see what I can do. I will soar so high that I will cover the whole world with my wings!"

"[When Pope Pius IX offered to make him a Monsignor ]
Oh, Holy Father, I beseech you! A nice figure I should be in purple among my little ragged boys! They would hardly recognize me, and I should lose their confidence completely. And then, think of all the kind people who have helped me so generously – they would think I was rich and I should not have the face to go begging. Please do not think of such a thing; please leave me to be ‘poor Don Bosco.’"

"[After a bullet passed under his arm, just missing him, as he was teaching a catechism class]
Come; go on with your lesson. That was a bad shot; the worst of it is that my best cassock has been torn."

"[When Don Bosco was sick and near death]
Don Borel: 'Pray that God may cure you.'
Don Bosco: 'May His holy Will be done.'
Don Borel: 'Pray then, at least, that if it is His holy Will, He may cure you. Say it after me…'
Don Bosco obeyed and followed Don Borel in his prayer.
Don Borel: 'Now I know you will get well. Your own prayer was the only thing that was
needed.' And with that, Don Bosco began to recover…"

"Since work is such a power against the enemies of the soul, I will not allow myself more than five hours sleep."

"Today I have written to three important people – the king, the Pope, and the hangman.
[Don Bosco was on friendly terms with each of these people, the humor in this quote is the unlikely combination of people.]"

"[His dream]
A church, workshops, more and more boys, plenty of priests…"

"I have vowed my life to these poor little outcasts. It is God’s Will – the path He has traced out for me."

"[Concerning miracles]
I only tell people to invoke Our Lady, it’s all Her doing. Well, you see, we work together, She and I."

"[Concerning his vocation]
I shall not be a simple priest living by myself or with only a few companions, but I shall have many priests with me. They will obey me and dedicate themselves to the education of young people.
[The concept of the Coadjutor(or Brother) had not yet been revealed to him when he said this.]"

"[On December 31, 1859]
My dear boys, how much I love you in the Lord and how I have given myself completely to your temporal and spiritual welfare. Whatever bit of knowledge or experience I have gained, whatever I am or have, my prayers and labors, my health and my very life, all of it I wish to use in your service. You can always count on me at any time and for anything, especially in matters of the soul. As far as I am concerned, I give you my whole self as a New Year’s gift – a meager gift, perhaps, but a total one."

"Some tailors specialize in custom-made clothes, and others just mend them; I’m a mender."

"[In 1861]
It is sad and discouraging to see what one goes through in a life time. If, as a boy, I had foreseen what I have gone through these last few years, I would have been disheartened."

"I would give up everything to win my boys’ hearts and thus be able to offer them as a gift to the Lord."

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  • Quotations about God

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  • Quotations about life after death

  • Quotations about laziness

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  • Quotations about mercy

  • Quotations about miracles

  • Quotations about monkhood

  • Quotations about money

  • Quotations about Orthodoxy

  • Quotations about overcoming fear

  • Quotations about prayer

  • Quotations about sainthood

  • Quotations about sense of life

  • Quotations about sin

  • Quotations about suffering

  • Quotations about temptations

  • Quotations about time

  • Quotations about the Church

  • Quotations about the truth

  • Quotations about upbringing children

  • Quotations about Word of God

  • Quotations about work

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