Marrying in Another Christian Church (Teachings of the Orthodox Church) Christianity. Orthodoxy. Catholicism. Sense of life. Articles for Christians.
I tell you, my friends, don't be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.                But I will warn you whom you should fear. Fear him, who after he has killed, has power to cast into Gehenna. Yes, I tell you, fear him.                Aren't five sparrows sold for two assaria coins? Not one of them is forgotten by God.                But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore don't be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows.                I tell you, everyone who confesses me before men, him will the Son of Man also confess before the angels of God;                but he who denies me in the presence of men will be denied in the presence of the angels of God.               
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Marrying in Another Christian Church (Teachings of the Orthodox Church)


My fiance and I want to get married in Spring next year. His family is [...] Orthodox, but we are getting married in my church, the Lutheran Church.

My question: I'd like to pick a date for the wedding that will not be offensive to his Orthodox family (Lent, etc...). With that in mind, would we be able to get married the weekend after [Orthodox] Easter.


I would strongly suggest that you speak directly to the pastor of your fiance's Orthodox parish about your plans. Orthodox Christians may not be married in non-Orthodox ceremonies and remain "in good standing" with the Orthodox Church.

Thus, it would seem that before one selects a date, one should determine the possible ramifications involved in getting married in a non-Orthodox ceremony in the first place.

Hence, it is best to speak with your fiance's pastor about all of this, assuming that he is active in the Orthodox Church and that he wishes to remain an active, practising Orthodox Christian.

Hope this helps.
In Christ,
Father John Matusiak

Published in January 2011.

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