By Wikipedia,
This article features a list of patron saints of places
by nation, region and town/city. If a place is not here it may be in Patronage
of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
- Benedict of Nursia – main patron saint of Europe
- Bridget of Sweden – Europe
- Catherine of Siena – Europe
- Saints Cyril and Methodius – Europe; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria;
Croatia; Czech Republic; Republic of Macedonia; Montenegro; Serbia;
Slovenia; Slovakia
- Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross) – Europe
- Jadwiga of Poland – United Europe
- Joseph – the Americas; the New World
- Our Lady of Guadalupe – North and South America
- Rose of Lima – North and South America
- Adalbert of Magdeburg - Germany
- Adalbert of Prague - Czech Republic; Poland; Hungary
- Agatha of Sicily - Malta
- Altagracia - Dominican Republic
- Andrew the Apostle - Greece; Romania; Russia; Scotland; Ukraine
- Ansgar (or Anskar) - Denmark
- Astricus - Hungary
- Josephine Bakhita - Sudan
- Peter Baptist - Japan
- Saint Barbara - Syria; Lebanon
- Barnabas - Cyprus
- Bartholomew the Apostle - Armenia
- Basil the Great - Russia
- Bernard of Clairvaux - Gibraltar
- Saint Anthony of Lisbon and Padua - Portugal
- Louis Bertrand - Colombia
- Boniface - Germany
- Saint George - Portugal
- Saint James - Portugal
- Brigid of Kildare - Ireland
- Brigit of Sweden - Sweden
- Bruno of Cologne - Germany
- Peter Canisius - Germany
- Canute - Denmark
- Casimir - Lithuania; Poland
- Catherine of Siena - Italy
- Peter Claver - Colombia
- Clement of Ohrid - Republic of Macedonia
- Colman of Stockerau - Austria
- Columba (also called Columcille) - Ireland; Scotland
- Our Lady of Coromoto - Venezuela
- Cunigunde of Luxemburg - Lithuania; Luxembourg; Poland
- Cyprian of Carthage - Algeria, Tunisia, Libya
- Cyril - Czech Republic; Slovakia; Bulgaria
- David of Wales - Wales
- Denis - France (in particular, attributed to the capital, Paris)
- Devota - Monaco
- Dominic - Dominican Republic
- Edmund the Martyr - England
- Edward the Confessor - England
- Francis of Assisi - Italy
- Frumentius - Ethiopia
- Gabriel the Archangel - Portugal
- Gall - ; Switzerland
- George - Aragon, Catalonia; England; Ethiopia; Georgia; Germany;
Greece; Lithuania; Malta; Moldova; Montenegro; Portugal; Russia; Serbia;
- Gregory the Illuminator - Armenia
- Henry of Uppsala - Finland
- Hyacinth - Poland
- James, son of Zebedee - Galicia; Spain; Guatemala; Nicaragua
- James, son of Alphaeus - Uruguay
- Jean de Brébeuf - Canada
- Jerome - Croatia
- Joan of Arc - France
- John de Brito - Portugal
- John of Dukla - Lithuania
- Francis Solanus - Argentina
- John of Kanty - Lithuania, Poland
- John of Nepomuk - Czech Republic
- John of Rila - Bulgaria
- John of Suceava - Romania, Moldova
- Josaphat - Ukraine
- Joseph – Austria; Belgium; Bohemia; Canada; China; Croatian people;
Korea; Mexico; New France; Peru; and Vietnam
- Julia of Corsica - Corsica
- Kilian of Würzburg - Germany
- Knud - Denmark
- Koloman - Austria
- Blessed Laura Vicuña - Argentina
- Lawrence - Sri Lanka
- Lazarus - Cyprus
- Leopold the Good of Austria - Austria
- St. Lorenzo Ruiz - Philippines
- Louis IX - France
- Louis Bertrand - Colombia
- Ludmila - Czech Republic
- Margaret of Scotland - Scotland
- Saint Marina the Martyr - Cyprus
- Marinus - San Marino
- Martin of Tours - Argentina; France
- Maruthas - Persia; Iran
- St Mary, Mother of Jesus; The Blessed Virgin Mary
- Our Lady of Fátima - Portugal
- Our Lady of Aparecida - Brazil
- Our Lady of Charity - Cuba
- Our Lady of Guadalupe - Mexico; Philippi
- nes
Our Lady Help of Christians - Australia
- Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception - United States, Portugal,
- Our Lady of Lebanon - Lebanon
- Our Lady of Luján - Argentina
- Our Lady of Sorrows - Slovakia
- Our Lady of the Assumption -Republic of South Africa
- Maughold - Isle of Man
- Maurice - Austria
- Meritxell - Andorra
- Michael - Germany; Papua New Guinea
- Nicetas - Romania
- Nicholas of Flue - Switzerland
- Nicholas of Myra - Greece; Russia
- Saint Nino - Georgia
- Olaf II (Rex Perpetuus Norvegiae) - Norway,
- Palladius - Scotland
- Panagia - Greece
- Paul the Apostle - Malta
- Philip of Jesus - Mexico
- Pius V - Malta
- Plechelm - Netherlands
- Procopius - Czech Republic
- Patrick - Ireland, Nigeria
- Publius - Malta
- Remigius - France
- Rose of Lima - India; Peru; Philippines
- Gerard Sagredo - Hungary
- Sava - Serbia
- Severinus of Noricum - Austria
- Sigfrid - Sweden
- Sigismund - Czech Republic
- Stanislaus of Cracow - Poland
- Stephen - Serbia
- Stephen of Hungary - Hungary
- Swithbert - Germany
- Teresa of the Andes - Chile
- Thérèse de Lisieux - France; Russia
- Thomas the Apostle - India; Sri Lanka; Indonesia
- Thorlac Thorhallsson - Iceland
- Turibius of Mogroveio - Peru
- Vergilius of Salzburg - Austria
- Vincent de Paul - Madagascar
- Vincent of Saragossa - Portugal
- Virgin Mary - France
- Vladimir I of Kiev - Russia; Ukraine
- Wenceslas - Czech Republic
- Willibrord - Flanders; Luxembourg; Netherlands
- Francis Xavier - China; India; Japan; New Zealand; Indonesia
- Adalbert of Prague - Bohemia; Prussia (and Kaliningrad Oblast)
- Agathoclia - Aragon, Spain
- Aldhelm - Wessex
- Anne - Brittany; Quebec; Mi'kmaq Nation; Santa Ana Indian Pueblo
- Ansgar (or Anskar) - Scandinavia
- Anthony of Padua - Brazil
- Asicus - archdiocese of Elphin
- Augustine of Hippo - diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut
- Andrew Avellino - Sicily
- Augustine of Canterbury - Kent
- Awtel - North Lebanon
- Saint Barbara - Bekaa valley (Central Lebanon)
- Bernard of Valdeiglesias - Candeleda (Spain)
- Birinus - Berkshire
- Blaise - Dalmatia
- Braulio - Aragon
- Brigid of Kildare - Kildare (Ireland)
- Cedd - Essex
- Chad - Mercia
- Peter Chanel - Oceania
- Clare of Assisi - Santa Clara Indian Pueblo
- Corentin - Brittany
- Cuthbert - Northumbria; Northern England
- Cyril - Moravia; Vojvodina;
- Christina - Southern Lebanon
- Devota - Corsica
- Dorothy of Montau - Prussia
- Dubricius - Ergyng; Herefordshire
- Edmund the Martyr - East Anglia; Suffolk
- Eurosia - the diocese of Jaca
- Frideswide - Oxfordshire
- George - Aragon; Catalonia; Cappadocia; Gozo; Palestine;
- Gertrude the Great - West Indies
- Gregory the Great - West Indies
- Guthlac - The English Fens
- Hedwig (Jadwiga) - Bavaria
- Homobonus - Cremona
- Innocent of Alaska - The Americas
- Isaac Jogues and companions - The Americas
- Helier - Jersey
- Herman of Alaska - The Americas
- Ivo of Kermartin - Brittany
- John the Apostle - Asia Minor
- John of Avila - Andalusia, Spain
- John the Baptist - Newfoundland; French Canadians
- John of Nepomuk - Bohemia
- John of Suceava - Moldavia
- Joseph the Betrothed - The Americas
- Jarlath - the archdiocese of Tuam, Ireland
- Julia of Corsica - Corsica
- Kevin - Archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland
- Kilian - Bavaria
- Jutta of Kulmsee - Prussia
- Lawrence O'Toole - archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland
- Louis - the Archdiocese of St. Louis
- Ludmila - Bohemia
- Magnus - Orkney Islands
- Mary Anne de Paredes (Mariana de Paredes y Flores) - Ecuador, The
- Methodius - Moravia;
- Michael (archangel) - Cornwall; Archdiocese of Seattle
- Moses the Black - Africa
- Nechtan - Devon
- Nicholas of Myra - Lorraine; Sicily
- Nikon - Laconia
- Ninian - Galloway, Nova Scotia
- Norbert - Bohemia
- Odile - Alsace
- Osmund - Wiltshire
- Oswald - Northumbria
- Our Lady of Prompt Succor - Louisiana
- Petroc - Devon, Cornwall
- Piran - Cornwall
- Richard of Chichester - Sussex
- Rosalia - Sicily
- Rose of Lima - The Americas; Central America; Latin America; South
America; West Indies; Villareal, Samar; Philippines
- Sebald - Bavaria
- Stanislaus of Cracow - archdiocese of Cracow, Poland
- Stephen - Republika Srpska
- Swithun - Wessex
- Thomas the Apostle - East Indies;
- Tikhon of Moscow- The Americas
- Titus - Crete
- Francis Xavier - Borneo; East Indies
- Wenceslas - Bohemia; Moravia; Czech Silesia
- Wilfred - Sussex; West Riding of Yorkshire
- Willehad of Bremen - Saxony
- Yves - Brittany
Cities and towns
- Aeden of Ferns - Ferns, Ireland
- Afra - Augsburg
- Agatha - Catania; Palermo, Italy; Zamarramala, Spain
- Agnellus - Naples, Italy
- Agricola of Avignon - Avignon
- Alban - St. Albans, England
- Albert of Trapani - Trapani
- Aldhelm - Malmesbury, England
- Alcmund - Derby, England
- Alexander of Bergamo - Bergamo, Italy
- Amalberga - Temse, Belgium
- Ambrose of Milan - Milan, Italy
- Andrew the Apostle - Amalfi; Patras; Luqa
- Anne - Taos, New Mexico; Marsaskala; Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Canary
- Ansanus the Baptizer - Siena, Italy
- Anthony of Lisbon - Lisbon, Portugal
- Antoninus of Sorrento - Sorrento, Italy
- Antony of Vilnius - Vilnius, Lithuania
- Saint Armel - Ploërmel, France and various others
- Arnulph - Gap, Hautes-Alpes, France
- Arthelais - Benevento, Italy
- Arsenius of Corfu - Kerkira Island, Greece
- Augustine of Canterbury - Canterbury, England
- Augustine of Hippo - Kalamazoo, Michigan; Saint Augustine, Florida;
Superior, Wisconsin; Tucson, Arizona. Cities of Cagayan de Oro and Saint
Augustine, Florida.
- Gerald Aurillac - Upper Auvergne
- Andrew Avellino - Naples, Italy
- Saint Barbara - Kerkrade, The Netherlands
- Barnabas - Antioch
- Barbatus of Benevento - Benevento, Italy
- Bavo - Ghent, Belgium; Haarlem, Netherlands
- Pascal Baylon - Obando, Bulacan, Philippines
- Thomas Beckett - Canterbury, England; Portsmouth, England
- Benedict of Nursia - Europe
- Benedict the Black - Palermo, Italy
- Benezet - Avignon
- Benignus of Dijon - Dijon
- Berach - Kilbarry, Ireland
- Bernadino Realino - Lecce, Italy
- Bernadette of Lourdes - Lourdes, France
- Bertelin - Stafford, England
- Birinus - Dorchester-on-Thames, England
- Blaise - Dubrovnik
- Boris - Moscow, Russia
- Botulph - Boston, England
- Budoc - Plourin, Brittany
- Caecilius of Elvira - Granada, Spain
- Catald - Taranto
- Thomas Cantilupe - Hereford, England
- Catherine of Alexandria - Zejtun, Zurrieq
- Cecilia - Albi, France
- Chad - Lichfield, England
- Christopher - Rab, Croatia; Havana, Cuba, Vilnius, Lithuania, San
Cristóbal de La Laguna (Canary Islands).
- John Chrysostom - Istanbul, Turkey
- Claire of Assisi - Obando, Bulacan, Philippines
- Colman of Cloyne - Cloyne, Ireland
- Constabilis - Castellabate, Italy
- Constantine of Rome - Istanbul, Turkey
- Crescentinus - Urbino
- Cuthbert - Durham, England
- Cuthman - Steyning, England
- Judas Cyriacus - Ancona, Italy
- Cyril of Alexandria - Alexandria, Egypt
- David - St. Davids, Wales
- Denis - Paris, France
- Dimitrie Basarabov - Bucharest, Romania
- Saint Demetrius - Thessaloniki, Greece
- Dionysius the Arepagite - Athens, Greece
- Dominic of Silos - Calatagan, Philippines
- Donatus - Ripacandida
- Drogo - Baume-les-Messieurs, Fleury-sur-Loire
- Duje - Split, Croatia
- Edmund of Abingdon - Abingdon
- Emeterius and Celedonius -Calahorra, Santander, Spain
- Eric of Sweden - Stockholm
- Erkenwald - City of London, England
- Etheldreda - Ely, England
- Eulalia - Barcelona
- Eustace of Vilnius - Vilnius, Lithuania
- Eustace - Madrid, Spain
- Expedite - New Orléans, Louisiana
- Fachanan - Ross, Ireland
- Ferdinand III of Castile - Seville, Spain
- Ferreolus and Ferrutio - Besançon
- Fiacre - France, Saint-Fiacre-en-Brie
- Finbarr - Barra, Scotland; Cork, Ireland
- Florian - Upper Austria, Poland; Linz, Austria
- Francis of Assisi - Assisi, Italy; Colorado; Italy; Santa Fe, New
Mexico, the archdiocese of San Francisco, California; Quito, Ecuador;Cavite,Philippines
- Frideswide - Oxford, England
- Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows - Abruzzi
- Gatianus of Tours - Tours
- Gaudentius of Ossero - Losinj, Croatia
- Genevieve - Paris, France
- George - Beirut; Ferrara; Genoa; Victoria, Gozo; Istanbul; Modica,
Sicily; Moscow; Ptuj, Slovenia; Svaty Jur, Slovakia; Kragujevac, Serbia;
- Gerard of Lunel - Potenza Picena
- Giles - Edinburgh, Scotland
- Gratus of Aosta - Aosta, Italy
- Gudula - Brussels, Belgium
- Gummarus - Lier, Belgium
- Guthlac - Crowland, England
- Hallvard - Oslo, Norway
- Helen - Abingdon, England; Colchester, England
- Helier - Saint Helier, Jersey
- Hugh of Lincoln - Lincoln, England
- Illtud - Llantwit Major, Wales
- Isidore the Farmer - Madrid, Spain
- James, son of Zebedee - Acoma Pueblo, United States; Guayaquil, Ecuador;
Reading, England; Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Santiago de Querétaro,
Mexico, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands).
- James of the Marches - Naples, Italy
- Januarius - Naples, Italy
- John IV, Bishop of Naples - Naples, Italy
- John the Apostle - Taos, New Mexico
- Joan of Arc - Orléans
- John the Baptist - Florence, Italy; Genoa, Italy; Turin, Italy; St.
John's, Newfoundland, Canada; Xewkija, Gozo; Porto, Portugal
- John of Vilnius - Vilnius, Lithuania
- Joseph – Birkirkara, Malta; Carinthia, Austria; Castelplanio, Ancona,
Italy; Deschambault, Quebec, Canada; Florence, Italy; Fonte Nuova, Italy;
Kalkara, Malta; La Spezia, Italy; Ladispoli, Italy; Laguna Indian Pueblo;
Msida, Malta; Orvieto, Italy; Qala, Gozo, Malta; Querceta, Italy; Radazzo,
Santa Marinella, Italy; Sicily, Italy; Spadafora, Sicily, Italy; Styria,
Austria; Turin, Italy; and Tyrol, Austria
- Jovan Vladimir - Bar, Montenegro
- Justa - Seville, Spain
- Justus - Alcalá de Henares, Spain; Madrid, Spain
- Kenelm - Winchcombe, England
- Kevin of Glendalough - Ireland
- Kentigern - Glasgow, Scotland
- Kessog - Lennox, Scotland
- Lawrence - Rome, Italy; Birgu, Malta
- Leocadia - Toledo, Spain
- Leonard of Port Maurice - Imperia, Italy
- Louis - St. Louis, Missouri
- Saint Luke - Jaén - Andalusia, Spain
- Lucy of Syracuse - Syracuse
- Macarius of Antioch - Ghent, Belgium
- Machar - Aberdeen, Scotland
- Mark the Evangelist - Venice, Egypt
- Maro - Volperino, Italy
- Martha - Pateros, Metro Manila, Philippines
- Martial - Limoges, France
- Martin of Tours - Tours; Utrecht, the Netherlands;Taal, Philippines
- Martina of Rome - Rome, Italy
- Mary MacKillop - Brisbane
- Maximinus of Trier - Trier, Germany
- Maximus of Aquila - Aquila, Italy
- Maximus of Turin - Turin, Italy
- Mellitus - City of London, England
- Michael (archangel) - Caltanissetta, Italy; Cuneo, Italy; Brussels,
Belgium; Kiev, Ukraine
- Saint Mirin - Paisley, Scotland
- Mochelloc - Kilmallock, County Limerick, Ireland
- Modestus - Cartagena, Spain
- Munchin - diocese of Limerick; Limerick (city)
- Mura - Fahan, Ireland
- Philip Neri - Rome, Italy
- Nicholas - Bari, Italy; Macchia Valfortore, Italy; Siggiewi, Malta
Liverpool, England
- Nicholas_of_Tolentino - Surigao City, Philippines; Tandag, Surigao
del Sur, Philippines
- Nicholas of Myra - Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Portsmouth, England
- El Niño - Cebu, Philippines
- Octavius - Turin, Italy
- Osmund - Salisbury, England
- Oswald of Worcester - Worcester, England
- Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre - Cuba
- Our Lady of Prompt Succor - New Orleans
- Panagia Kastriani - Skiathos Island, Greece; Tzia Island, Greece
- Pastor - Alcalá de Henares, Spain; Madrid, Spain
- Paternus - Vannes, France
- Patrick- New York City, Boston
- Patricia of Naples - Naples, Italy
- Paul the Apostle - City of London, England; Las Vegas, Nevada; Poznań,
Poland; Rome, Italy; São Paulo, Brazil; Valletta, Malta
- Paul the Apostle's Conversion - Caraballo, Cuba; Mdina, Malta
- Pelagius of Constance - Konstanz
- Piran - Padstow, England; Perranporth, England
- Peter the Apostle - Poznań, Poland; Rome, Italy; York, England; Birzebbugia,
Malta; Sestao, Basque Country; Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal
- Peter of Alcantara - Estremadura, Spain
- Petroc - Bodmin, England
- Saint Petronius - Bologna, Italy
- Pharaildis - Ghent, Belgium
- Philip of Jesus - Mexico City, Mexico
- Philip the Apostle - Uruguay
- Prosper of Reggio - Reggio Emilia
- Quirinus - Sisak, Croatia
- Rainerius - Pisa
- Raynald of Nocera - Nocera, Italy
- Rafael Guizar y Valencia - Veracruz, Mexico
- Richard of Chichester - Chichester, England; Droitwich, England
- Riginos - Skopelos Island, Greece
- Roch - Istanbul, Turkey, Pateros, Metro Manila, Philippines
- Rosalia - Palermo, Italy
- Rumwold - Buckingham, England
- Rupert of Salzburg - Salzburg, Austria
- Sabinus - Bari, Italy
- Mary Salome - Veroli, Italy
- Ambrose Sansedoni of Siena - Siena, Italy
- Saturnin - Toulouse
- Saint Anne - Ruskin, Florida USA; Detroit, Michigan USA
- Alexander Sauli - Corsica
- Sebaldus - Nuremberg, Germany
- Sebastian - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Rome, Italy ; Ribeirão Preto,
Brazil;Lipa, Philippines
- Sidwell - Exeter, England
- Sigfrid - Växjö, Sweden
- Silverius - Ponza, Italy
- Solutor - Turin, Italy
- Spyridon - Kerkira Island, Greece, Piraeus
- Stephen - Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Swithun - Winchester, England
- Symphorian - Autun
- Syrus of Genoa - Genoa, Italy
- Syrus of Pavia (Siro) - Pavia, Italy
- Teilo - Cardiff, Wales; Llandeilo Fawr, Wales
- Theneva - Glasgow, Scotland
- Theodore of Pavia - Pavia, Italy
- Thomas More - Arlington, Virginia
- Ulric - Augsburg
- Urban of Langres - Dijon
- Saint Ursula - Cologne, Germany
- Valeria of Milan - Thibodaux, Louisiana
- Vergilius - Salzburg, Austria
- Vincenzo Martyr - Craco, Italy
- Vitus - Czech Republic; Rijeka, Croatia; Winschoten, Netherlands
- Walburga - Antwerp, Belgium; Groningen, Netherlands; Oudenarde, Belgium;
Zutphen, Netherlands
- Waltrude - Hainaut, Belgium; Mons, Belgium
- Wenceslas - Prague, Czech Republic
- Werburga - Chester, England
- Wilfrid - Ripon, England
- William of York - York, England
- Winefride - Holywell, Wales; Shrewsbury, England
- Wulfram of Sens - Abbeville, France
- Wulfstan - Worcester, England
- Zeno of Verona - Verona, Italy
- Zenobius - Florence, Italy
Archdioceses and dioceses
- Archdiocese of Anchorage, Alaska
- Diocese of Balanga, Philippines
- Diocese of Bangued, Philippines
- Diocese of Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- Diocese of Biloxi, Mississippi
- Diocese of Buffalo, New York
- Diocese of Butuan, Philippines
- Diocese of Cheyenne, Wyoming
- Archdiocese of Cologne, Germany
- Diocese of Daet, Philippines
- Archdiocese of Hanoi, Vietnam
- Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut
- Diocese of Itanagar, India
- Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin
- Archdiocese of Lipa, Philippines
- Diocese of Libmanan, Philippines
- Archdiocese of Louisville, Kentucky
- Archdioces of Edmonton, Alberta
- Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire
- Diocese of Mangalore, India
- Diocese of Menevia, Wales
- Diocese of Nashville, Tennessee
- Diocese of Osnabrück, Germany
- Diocese of Osnabrück, Germany
- Diocese of Palghat,India
- Diocese of Rarotonga, Cook Islands
- Diocese of Romblon, Philippines
- Diocese of San Jose, California
- Apostolic Vicariate of San Jose in Mindoro, Philippines
- Diocese of San Jose, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
- Diocese of Sioux Falls, South Dakota
- Diocese of Tagbilaran, Philippines
- Diocese of Virac, Philippines
- Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, West Virginia
- Our Lady of Prompt Succor - Archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patron_saints_of_places
Published in May 2012.
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