Christian Library. Christian articles. Patron saints of places. Christianity - Articles - The main topic
I tell you, my friends, don't be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.                But I will warn you whom you should fear. Fear him, who after he has killed, has power to cast into Gehenna. Yes, I tell you, fear him.                Aren't five sparrows sold for two assaria coins? Not one of them is forgotten by God.                But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore don't be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows.                I tell you, everyone who confesses me before men, him will the Son of Man also confess before the angels of God;                but he who denies me in the presence of men will be denied in the presence of the angels of God.               
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Patron saints of places

By Wikipedia,


This article features a list of patron saints of places by nation, region and town/city. If a place is not here it may be in Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


  • Benedict of Nursia – main patron saint of Europe
  • Bridget of Sweden – Europe
  • Catherine of Siena – Europe
  • Saints Cyril and Methodius – Europe; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Czech Republic; Republic of Macedonia; Montenegro; Serbia; Slovenia; Slovakia
  • Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross) – Europe
  • Jadwiga of Poland – United Europe
  • Joseph – the Americas; the New World
  • Our Lady of Guadalupe – North and South America
  • Rose of Lima – North and South America


  • Adalbert of Magdeburg - Germany
  • Adalbert of Prague - Czech Republic; Poland; Hungary
  • Agatha of Sicily - Malta
  • Altagracia - Dominican Republic
  • Andrew the Apostle - Greece; Romania; Russia; Scotland; Ukraine
  • Ansgar (or Anskar) - Denmark
  • Astricus - Hungary
  • Josephine Bakhita - Sudan
  • Peter Baptist - Japan
  • Saint Barbara - Syria; Lebanon
  • Barnabas - Cyprus
  • Bartholomew the Apostle - Armenia
  • Basil the Great - Russia
  • Bernard of Clairvaux - Gibraltar
  • Saint Anthony of Lisbon and Padua - Portugal
  • Louis Bertrand - Colombia
  • Boniface - Germany
  • Saint George - Portugal
  • Saint James - Portugal
  • Brigid of Kildare - Ireland
  • Brigit of Sweden - Sweden
  • Bruno of Cologne - Germany
  • Peter Canisius - Germany
  • Canute - Denmark
  • Casimir - Lithuania; Poland
  • Catherine of Siena - Italy
  • Peter Claver - Colombia
  • Clement of Ohrid - Republic of Macedonia
  • Colman of Stockerau - Austria
  • Columba (also called Columcille) - Ireland; Scotland
  • Our Lady of Coromoto - Venezuela
  • Cunigunde of Luxemburg - Lithuania; Luxembourg; Poland
  • Cyprian of Carthage - Algeria, Tunisia, Libya
  • Cyril - Czech Republic; Slovakia; Bulgaria
  • David of Wales - Wales
  • Denis - France (in particular, attributed to the capital, Paris)
  • Devota - Monaco
  • Dominic - Dominican Republic
  • Edmund the Martyr - England
  • Edward the Confessor - England
  • Francis of Assisi - Italy
  • Frumentius - Ethiopia
  • Gabriel the Archangel - Portugal
  • Gall - ; Switzerland
  • George - Aragon, Catalonia; England; Ethiopia; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Lithuania; Malta; Moldova; Montenegro; Portugal; Russia; Serbia;
  • Gregory the Illuminator - Armenia
  • Henry of Uppsala - Finland
  • Hyacinth - Poland
  • James, son of Zebedee - Galicia; Spain; Guatemala; Nicaragua
  • James, son of Alphaeus - Uruguay
  • Jean de Brébeuf - Canada
  • Jerome - Croatia
  • Joan of Arc - France
  • John de Brito - Portugal
  • John of Dukla - Lithuania
  • Francis Solanus - Argentina
  • John of Kanty - Lithuania, Poland
  • John of Nepomuk - Czech Republic
  • John of Rila - Bulgaria
  • John of Suceava - Romania, Moldova
  • Josaphat - Ukraine
  • Joseph – Austria; Belgium; Bohemia; Canada; China; Croatian people; Korea; Mexico; New France; Peru; and Vietnam
  • Julia of Corsica - Corsica
  • Kilian of Würzburg - Germany
  • Knud - Denmark
  • Koloman - Austria
  • Blessed Laura Vicuña - Argentina
  • Lawrence - Sri Lanka
  • Lazarus - Cyprus
  • Leopold the Good of Austria - Austria
  • St. Lorenzo Ruiz - Philippines
  • Louis IX - France
  • Louis Bertrand - Colombia
  • Ludmila - Czech Republic
  • Margaret of Scotland - Scotland
  • Saint Marina the Martyr - Cyprus
  • Marinus - San Marino
  • Martin of Tours - Argentina; France
  • Maruthas - Persia; Iran
  • St Mary, Mother of Jesus; The Blessed Virgin Mary
    • Our Lady of Fátima - Portugal
    • Our Lady of Aparecida - Brazil
    • Our Lady of Charity - Cuba
    • Our Lady of Guadalupe - Mexico; Philippi
    • nes
    • Our Lady Help of Christians - Australia
    • Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception - United States, Portugal, Korea
    • Our Lady of Lebanon - Lebanon
    • Our Lady of Luján - Argentina
    • Our Lady of Sorrows - Slovakia
    • Our Lady of the Assumption -Republic of South Africa
  • Maughold - Isle of Man
  • Maurice - Austria
  • Meritxell - Andorra
  • Michael - Germany; Papua New Guinea
  • Nicetas - Romania
  • Nicholas of Flue - Switzerland
  • Nicholas of Myra - Greece; Russia
  • Saint Nino - Georgia
  • Olaf II (Rex Perpetuus Norvegiae) - Norway,
  • Palladius - Scotland
  • Panagia - Greece
  • Paul the Apostle - Malta
  • Philip of Jesus - Mexico
  • Pius V - Malta
  • Plechelm - Netherlands
  • Procopius - Czech Republic
  • Patrick - Ireland, Nigeria
  • Publius - Malta
  • Remigius - France
  • Rose of Lima - India; Peru; Philippines
  • Gerard Sagredo - Hungary
  • Sava - Serbia
  • Severinus of Noricum - Austria
  • Sigfrid - Sweden
  • Sigismund - Czech Republic
  • Stanislaus of Cracow - Poland
  • Stephen - Serbia
  • Stephen of Hungary - Hungary
  • Swithbert - Germany
  • Teresa of the Andes - Chile
  • Thérèse de Lisieux - France; Russia
  • Thomas the Apostle - India; Sri Lanka; Indonesia
  • Thorlac Thorhallsson - Iceland
  • Turibius of Mogroveio - Peru
  • Vergilius of Salzburg - Austria
  • Vincent de Paul - Madagascar
  • Vincent of Saragossa - Portugal
  • Virgin Mary - France
  • Vladimir I of Kiev - Russia; Ukraine
  • Wenceslas - Czech Republic
  • Willibrord - Flanders; Luxembourg; Netherlands
  • Francis Xavier - China; India; Japan; New Zealand; Indonesia


  • Adalbert of Prague - Bohemia; Prussia (and Kaliningrad Oblast)
  • Agathoclia - Aragon, Spain
  • Aldhelm - Wessex
  • Anne - Brittany; Quebec; Mi'kmaq Nation; Santa Ana Indian Pueblo
  • Ansgar (or Anskar) - Scandinavia
  • Anthony of Padua - Brazil
  • Asicus - archdiocese of Elphin
  • Augustine of Hippo - diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut
  • Andrew Avellino - Sicily
  • Augustine of Canterbury - Kent
  • Awtel - North Lebanon
  • Saint Barbara - Bekaa valley (Central Lebanon)
  • Bernard of Valdeiglesias - Candeleda (Spain)
  • Birinus - Berkshire
  • Blaise - Dalmatia
  • Braulio - Aragon
  • Brigid of Kildare - Kildare (Ireland)
  • Cedd - Essex
  • Chad - Mercia
  • Peter Chanel - Oceania
  • Clare of Assisi - Santa Clara Indian Pueblo
  • Corentin - Brittany
  • Cuthbert - Northumbria; Northern England
  • Cyril - Moravia; Vojvodina;
  • Christina - Southern Lebanon
  • Devota - Corsica
  • Dorothy of Montau - Prussia
  • Dubricius - Ergyng; Herefordshire
  • Edmund the Martyr - East Anglia; Suffolk
  • Eurosia - the diocese of Jaca
  • Frideswide - Oxfordshire
  • George - Aragon; Catalonia; Cappadocia; Gozo; Palestine;
  • Gertrude the Great - West Indies
  • Gregory the Great - West Indies
  • Guthlac - The English Fens
  • Hedwig (Jadwiga) - Bavaria
  • Homobonus - Cremona
  • Innocent of Alaska - The Americas
  • Isaac Jogues and companions - The Americas
  • Helier - Jersey
  • Herman of Alaska - The Americas
  • Ivo of Kermartin - Brittany
  • John the Apostle - Asia Minor
  • John of Avila - Andalusia, Spain
  • John the Baptist - Newfoundland; French Canadians
  • John of Nepomuk - Bohemia
  • John of Suceava - Moldavia
  • Joseph the Betrothed - The Americas
  • Jarlath - the archdiocese of Tuam, Ireland
  • Julia of Corsica - Corsica
  • Kevin - Archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland
  • Kilian - Bavaria
  • Jutta of Kulmsee - Prussia
  • Lawrence O'Toole - archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland
  • Louis - the Archdiocese of St. Louis
  • Ludmila - Bohemia
  • Magnus - Orkney Islands
  • Mary Anne de Paredes (Mariana de Paredes y Flores) - Ecuador, The Americas
  • Methodius - Moravia;
  • Michael (archangel) - Cornwall; Archdiocese of Seattle
  • Moses the Black - Africa
  • Nechtan - Devon
  • Nicholas of Myra - Lorraine; Sicily
  • Nikon - Laconia
  • Ninian - Galloway, Nova Scotia
  • Norbert - Bohemia
  • Odile - Alsace
  • Osmund - Wiltshire
  • Oswald - Northumbria
  • Our Lady of Prompt Succor - Louisiana
  • Petroc - Devon, Cornwall
  • Piran - Cornwall
  • Richard of Chichester - Sussex
  • Rosalia - Sicily
  • Rose of Lima - The Americas; Central America; Latin America; South America; West Indies; Villareal, Samar; Philippines
  • Sebald - Bavaria
  • Stanislaus of Cracow - archdiocese of Cracow, Poland
  • Stephen - Republika Srpska
  • Swithun - Wessex
  • Thomas the Apostle - East Indies;
  • Tikhon of Moscow- The Americas
  • Titus - Crete
  • Francis Xavier - Borneo; East Indies
  • Wenceslas - Bohemia; Moravia; Czech Silesia
  • Wilfred - Sussex; West Riding of Yorkshire
  • Willehad of Bremen - Saxony
  • Yves - Brittany

Cities and towns

  • Aeden of Ferns - Ferns, Ireland
  • Afra - Augsburg
  • Agatha - Catania; Palermo, Italy; Zamarramala, Spain
  • Agnellus - Naples, Italy
  • Agricola of Avignon - Avignon
  • Alban - St. Albans, England
  • Albert of Trapani - Trapani
  • Aldhelm - Malmesbury, England
  • Alcmund - Derby, England
  • Alexander of Bergamo - Bergamo, Italy
  • Amalberga - Temse, Belgium
  • Ambrose of Milan - Milan, Italy
  • Andrew the Apostle - Amalfi; Patras; Luqa
  • Anne - Taos, New Mexico; Marsaskala; Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Canary Islands).
  • Ansanus the Baptizer - Siena, Italy
  • Anthony of Lisbon - Lisbon, Portugal
  • Antoninus of Sorrento - Sorrento, Italy
  • Antony of Vilnius - Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Saint Armel - Ploërmel, France and various others
  • Arnulph - Gap, Hautes-Alpes, France
  • Arthelais - Benevento, Italy
  • Arsenius of Corfu - Kerkira Island, Greece
  • Augustine of Canterbury - Canterbury, England
  • Augustine of Hippo - Kalamazoo, Michigan; Saint Augustine, Florida; Superior, Wisconsin; Tucson, Arizona. Cities of Cagayan de Oro and Saint Augustine, Florida.
  • Gerald Aurillac - Upper Auvergne
  • Andrew Avellino - Naples, Italy
  • Saint Barbara - Kerkrade, The Netherlands
  • Barnabas - Antioch
  • Barbatus of Benevento - Benevento, Italy
  • Bavo - Ghent, Belgium; Haarlem, Netherlands
  • Pascal Baylon - Obando, Bulacan, Philippines
  • Thomas Beckett - Canterbury, England; Portsmouth, England
  • Benedict of Nursia - Europe
  • Benedict the Black - Palermo, Italy
  • Benezet - Avignon
  • Benignus of Dijon - Dijon
  • Berach - Kilbarry, Ireland
  • Bernadino Realino - Lecce, Italy
  • Bernadette of Lourdes - Lourdes, France
  • Bertelin - Stafford, England
  • Birinus - Dorchester-on-Thames, England
  • Blaise - Dubrovnik
  • Boris - Moscow, Russia
  • Botulph - Boston, England
  • Budoc - Plourin, Brittany
  • Caecilius of Elvira - Granada, Spain
  • Catald - Taranto
  • Thomas Cantilupe - Hereford, England
  • Catherine of Alexandria - Zejtun, Zurrieq
  • Cecilia - Albi, France
  • Chad - Lichfield, England
  • Christopher - Rab, Croatia; Havana, Cuba, Vilnius, Lithuania, San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Canary Islands).
  • John Chrysostom - Istanbul, Turkey
  • Claire of Assisi - Obando, Bulacan, Philippines
  • Colman of Cloyne - Cloyne, Ireland
  • Constabilis - Castellabate, Italy
  • Constantine of Rome - Istanbul, Turkey
  • Crescentinus - Urbino
  • Cuthbert - Durham, England
  • Cuthman - Steyning, England
  • Judas Cyriacus - Ancona, Italy
  • Cyril of Alexandria - Alexandria, Egypt
  • David - St. Davids, Wales
  • Denis - Paris, France
  • Dimitrie Basarabov - Bucharest, Romania
  • Saint Demetrius - Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Dionysius the Arepagite - Athens, Greece
  • Dominic of Silos - Calatagan, Philippines
  • Donatus - Ripacandida
  • Drogo - Baume-les-Messieurs, Fleury-sur-Loire
  • Duje - Split, Croatia
  • Edmund of Abingdon - Abingdon
  • Emeterius and Celedonius -Calahorra, Santander, Spain
  • Eric of Sweden - Stockholm
  • Erkenwald - City of London, England
  • Etheldreda - Ely, England
  • Eulalia - Barcelona
  • Eustace of Vilnius - Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Eustace - Madrid, Spain
  • Expedite - New Orléans, Louisiana
  • Fachanan - Ross, Ireland
  • Ferdinand III of Castile - Seville, Spain
  • Ferreolus and Ferrutio - Besançon
  • Fiacre - France, Saint-Fiacre-en-Brie
  • Finbarr - Barra, Scotland; Cork, Ireland
  • Florian - Upper Austria, Poland; Linz, Austria
  • Francis of Assisi - Assisi, Italy; Colorado; Italy; Santa Fe, New Mexico, the archdiocese of San Francisco, California; Quito, Ecuador;Cavite,Philippines
  • Frideswide - Oxford, England
  • Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows - Abruzzi
  • Gatianus of Tours - Tours
  • Gaudentius of Ossero - Losinj, Croatia
  • Genevieve - Paris, France
  • George - Beirut; Ferrara; Genoa; Victoria, Gozo; Istanbul; Modica, Sicily; Moscow; Ptuj, Slovenia; Svaty Jur, Slovakia; Kragujevac, Serbia; Venice
  • Gerard of Lunel - Potenza Picena
  • Giles - Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Gratus of Aosta - Aosta, Italy
  • Gudula - Brussels, Belgium
  • Gummarus - Lier, Belgium
  • Guthlac - Crowland, England
  • Hallvard - Oslo, Norway
  • Helen - Abingdon, England; Colchester, England
  • Helier - Saint Helier, Jersey
  • Hugh of Lincoln - Lincoln, England
  • Illtud - Llantwit Major, Wales
  • Isidore the Farmer - Madrid, Spain
  • James, son of Zebedee - Acoma Pueblo, United States; Guayaquil, Ecuador; Reading, England; Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands).
  • James of the Marches - Naples, Italy
  • Januarius - Naples, Italy
  • John IV, Bishop of Naples - Naples, Italy
  • John the Apostle - Taos, New Mexico
  • Joan of Arc - Orléans
  • John the Baptist - Florence, Italy; Genoa, Italy; Turin, Italy; St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada; Xewkija, Gozo; Porto, Portugal
  • John of Vilnius - Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Joseph – Birkirkara, Malta; Carinthia, Austria; Castelplanio, Ancona, Italy; Deschambault, Quebec, Canada; Florence, Italy; Fonte Nuova, Italy; Kalkara, Malta; La Spezia, Italy; Ladispoli, Italy; Laguna Indian Pueblo; Msida, Malta; Orvieto, Italy; Qala, Gozo, Malta; Querceta, Italy; Radazzo, Santa Marinella, Italy; Sicily, Italy; Spadafora, Sicily, Italy; Styria, Austria; Turin, Italy; and Tyrol, Austria
  • Jovan Vladimir - Bar, Montenegro
  • Justa - Seville, Spain
  • Justus - Alcalá de Henares, Spain; Madrid, Spain
  • Kenelm - Winchcombe, England
  • Kevin of Glendalough - Ireland
  • Kentigern - Glasgow, Scotland
  • Kessog - Lennox, Scotland
  • Lawrence - Rome, Italy; Birgu, Malta
  • Leocadia - Toledo, Spain
  • Leonard of Port Maurice - Imperia, Italy
  • Louis - St. Louis, Missouri
  • Saint Luke - Jaén - Andalusia, Spain
  • Lucy of Syracuse - Syracuse
  • Macarius of Antioch - Ghent, Belgium
  • Machar - Aberdeen, Scotland
  • Mark the Evangelist - Venice, Egypt
  • Maro - Volperino, Italy
  • Martha - Pateros, Metro Manila, Philippines
  • Martial - Limoges, France
  • Martin of Tours - Tours; Utrecht, the Netherlands;Taal, Philippines
  • Martina of Rome - Rome, Italy
  • Mary MacKillop - Brisbane
  • Maximinus of Trier - Trier, Germany
  • Maximus of Aquila - Aquila, Italy
  • Maximus of Turin - Turin, Italy
  • Mellitus - City of London, England
  • Michael (archangel) - Caltanissetta, Italy; Cuneo, Italy; Brussels, Belgium; Kiev, Ukraine
  • Saint Mirin - Paisley, Scotland
  • Mochelloc - Kilmallock, County Limerick, Ireland
  • Modestus - Cartagena, Spain
  • Munchin - diocese of Limerick; Limerick (city)
  • Mura - Fahan, Ireland
  • Philip Neri - Rome, Italy
  • Nicholas - Bari, Italy; Macchia Valfortore, Italy; Siggiewi, Malta Liverpool, England
  • Nicholas_of_Tolentino - Surigao City, Philippines; Tandag, Surigao del Sur, Philippines
  • Nicholas of Myra - Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Portsmouth, England
  • El Niño - Cebu, Philippines
  • Octavius - Turin, Italy
  • Osmund - Salisbury, England
  • Oswald of Worcester - Worcester, England
  • Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre - Cuba
  • Our Lady of Prompt Succor - New Orleans
  • Panagia Kastriani - Skiathos Island, Greece; Tzia Island, Greece
  • Pastor - Alcalá de Henares, Spain; Madrid, Spain
  • Paternus - Vannes, France
  • Patrick- New York City, Boston
  • Patricia of Naples - Naples, Italy
  • Paul the Apostle - City of London, England; Las Vegas, Nevada; Poznań, Poland; Rome, Italy; São Paulo, Brazil; Valletta, Malta
  • Paul the Apostle's Conversion - Caraballo, Cuba; Mdina, Malta
  • Pelagius of Constance - Konstanz
  • Piran - Padstow, England; Perranporth, England
  • Peter the Apostle - Poznań, Poland; Rome, Italy; York, England; Birzebbugia, Malta; Sestao, Basque Country; Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal
  • Peter of Alcantara - Estremadura, Spain
  • Petroc - Bodmin, England
  • Saint Petronius - Bologna, Italy
  • Pharaildis - Ghent, Belgium
  • Philip of Jesus - Mexico City, Mexico
  • Philip the Apostle - Uruguay
  • Prosper of Reggio - Reggio Emilia
  • Quirinus - Sisak, Croatia
  • Rainerius - Pisa
  • Raynald of Nocera - Nocera, Italy
  • Rafael Guizar y Valencia - Veracruz, Mexico
  • Richard of Chichester - Chichester, England; Droitwich, England
  • Riginos - Skopelos Island, Greece
  • Roch - Istanbul, Turkey, Pateros, Metro Manila, Philippines
  • Rosalia - Palermo, Italy
  • Rumwold - Buckingham, England
  • Rupert of Salzburg - Salzburg, Austria
  • Sabinus - Bari, Italy
  • Mary Salome - Veroli, Italy
  • Ambrose Sansedoni of Siena - Siena, Italy
  • Saturnin - Toulouse
  • Saint Anne - Ruskin, Florida USA; Detroit, Michigan USA
  • Alexander Sauli - Corsica
  • Sebaldus - Nuremberg, Germany
  • Sebastian - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Rome, Italy ; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil;Lipa, Philippines
  • Sidwell - Exeter, England
  • Sigfrid - Växjö, Sweden
  • Silverius - Ponza, Italy
  • Solutor - Turin, Italy
  • Spyridon - Kerkira Island, Greece, Piraeus
  • Stephen - Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  • Swithun - Winchester, England
  • Symphorian - Autun
  • Syrus of Genoa - Genoa, Italy
  • Syrus of Pavia (Siro) - Pavia, Italy
  • Teilo - Cardiff, Wales; Llandeilo Fawr, Wales
  • Theneva - Glasgow, Scotland
  • Theodore of Pavia - Pavia, Italy
  • Thomas More - Arlington, Virginia
  • Ulric - Augsburg
  • Urban of Langres - Dijon
  • Saint Ursula - Cologne, Germany
  • Valeria of Milan - Thibodaux, Louisiana
  • Vergilius - Salzburg, Austria
  • Vincenzo Martyr - Craco, Italy
  • Vitus - Czech Republic; Rijeka, Croatia; Winschoten, Netherlands
  • Walburga - Antwerp, Belgium; Groningen, Netherlands; Oudenarde, Belgium; Zutphen, Netherlands
  • Waltrude - Hainaut, Belgium; Mons, Belgium
  • Wenceslas - Prague, Czech Republic
  • Werburga - Chester, England
  • Wilfrid - Ripon, England
  • William of York - York, England
  • Winefride - Holywell, Wales; Shrewsbury, England
  • Wulfram of Sens - Abbeville, France
  • Wulfstan - Worcester, England
  • Zeno of Verona - Verona, Italy
  • Zenobius - Florence, Italy

Archdioceses and dioceses


  • Archdiocese of Anchorage, Alaska
  • Diocese of Balanga, Philippines
  • Diocese of Bangued, Philippines
  • Diocese of Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  • Diocese of Biloxi, Mississippi
  • Diocese of Buffalo, New York
  • Diocese of Butuan, Philippines
  • Diocese of Cheyenne, Wyoming
  • Archdiocese of Cologne, Germany
  • Diocese of Daet, Philippines
  • Archdiocese of Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut
  • Diocese of Itanagar, India
  • Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin
  • Archdiocese of Lipa, Philippines
  • Diocese of Libmanan, Philippines


  • Archdiocese of Louisville, Kentucky
  • Archdioces of Edmonton, Alberta
  • Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire
  • Diocese of Mangalore, India
  • Diocese of Menevia, Wales
  • Diocese of Nashville, Tennessee
  • Diocese of Osnabrück, Germany
  • Diocese of Osnabrück, Germany
  • Diocese of Palghat,India
  • Diocese of Rarotonga, Cook Islands
  • Diocese of Romblon, Philippines
  • Diocese of San Jose, California
  • Apostolic Vicariate of San Jose in Mindoro, Philippines
  • Diocese of San Jose, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
  • Diocese of Sioux Falls, South Dakota
  • Diocese of Tagbilaran, Philippines
  • Diocese of Virac, Philippines
  • Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, West Virginia


  • Our Lady of Prompt Succor - Archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana




Published in May 2012.

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