By Bob and Penny Lord
Morrilton, AR, U.S.A.
joseph at bobandpennylord com
Copyright © 2010 Bob and Penny Lord's Site
The European Union, which is supposed to be fashioned after the United States of America, decided to write a history of Europe, but leaving the Catholic Church out altogether. That would seem like an impossibility, but we recall the words of Joseph Pulitzer, who at the time was publisher of the New York World. He wrote "If I don't write about it, it never happened!"
Scary, but it could be true. If the children of Europe grow up without any knowledge of the history of the Catholic Church, very possibly they will forget about it. Or their children and grandchildren will forget about it.
Without knowing about the plot of the European Union to exclude Catholicism from their history, we made a vow early on that we would write about Jesus and His Mother, and His best friends, the Angels and Saints, in an effort to glorify the name of Jesus, so that it would never be forgotten. When we began this Good Newsletter, with our first Lenten issue, January of 1989, we didn't know the full import of the standard we had chosen to go across the banner of our newspaper: One Heart, One Mind, One Spirit,
with One Vision.
When we founded our Community, that same year, we adopted this teaching as the life we would live for the Kingdom and the Glory of God. This became our ongoing prayer and battle cry from the inception of our Community.
It has strengthened us, as we have walked through the deepest valleys and climbed the highest mountains. When it seemed we might be called to walk through the shadows of death, we became more One - in heart, mind,
and Spirit, fortified by our daily prayer: "Lord, make us one in You, as You are One in the Father."
When we wrote our Mission Statement, in 1986, we spoke of books, videos,
a newspaper, a fund for needy priests and religious and a Communication Center as a means to glorify the Name of Jesus.
Our Father has such a grand sense of humor! When we included books in our Mission Statement, we had no idea that we would write books, but the Father knew! We thought we were called to distribute other people's books.
We are kept so busy, we find we can only carry and distribute books written by our founders Bob and Penny Lord who continue writing books and making programs.
When we included videos, we had no professional video cameras, no editing studio or plans to set up one. Our idea had been to distribute other people's videos. Our Ministry only carries videos that we have made or been involved in. At this writing, we have 200 videos; most of them Documentaries filmed overseas, all produced by our Ministry.
By the Grace of God and your generous acceptance of our books and videos as well as your contributions, we have been able to supply priests, seminarians and religious with books and videos, and aid some to go on Pilgrimage.
The next step in our Mission Statement was to open our Evangelization through Communication Resource Center. What did we envision this center would be?
It would be a Munitions Factory. We were at war then; we are at war now! About that, there is no question. We are fighting for our children, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren, for our Church, for our country,
for the souls of God's children. We want, no we must give the Lord the gift of souls, the souls He came to save, the souls He died for! With our books and videos, we believe the Faithful will be able to put on the armor of God and fight the enemy who would, with his subtleties, rob us,
and those who follow us, of all that we hold dear, all that has been passed down to us by Our Lord, His Mother, the Apostles, and our family the Saints.
We envisioned a Retreat Center. The Center would have a place where brothers and sisters could come and stay, sharing with people who felt the way they did, who spoke the same language, where one can unashamedly speak about his/her love for the Lord, His Mother and His Church. This would be a place, a quiet place where it's you and the Lord together, where you can listen to the Lord, spend time on Pilgrimage here in the United States, away from home but not far from home. A place to be silent and hear the Lord. "Your servant is listening, Lord."
We would have Seminars on the Eucharist and the part that the Miracles of the Eucharist have played in the Defense of the Church fighting heresies.
You would view the videos on the Miracles of the Eucharist and learn how you can facilitate action at home where family and friends would gather and not only watch these Documentaries but learn how to conduct an open discussion, getting them involved, encouraging them to show the videos and share the Good News of our Catholic Faith, bringing them to a deeper awareness of Who it is Who comes to life on the Altar during the Liturgy of the Eucharist after the Consecration.
We would teach about Mother Mary from the Annunciation, through the Crucifixion,
up to the Coronation, on to the 2000 years of her reaching out to her children by her apparitions. Saints and other Powerful Men and Women of the Church - Pope Benedict XVI has been preaching about our family of Saints who the Lord used to save His Church, who loved Him so, they willingly carried the Cross.
We have been blessed many times over in that the Lord has allowed us to see most of the Mission Statement come to fruition. We have here in Arkansas,
the Holy Family Mission, where we continue to write books and make television programs. We have retreats and days of recollection, which our neighbors from near and far participate in. What goes on at the Holy Family Mission has become like the social event of the season. Whatever goes on here,
everybody wants to be involved in. We built a replica of the Holy House of Nazareth, which is in Loreto, Italy. We have special prayer times in the Holy House. We have an annual Conference, and a St. Joseph's Table in March.
Family, Pope Benedict XVI is pleading with Christians all over the world to "Spread the Christian Culture." He is desperately trying to combat the already strong movement to eliminate Christianity and all things Christian, especially Jesus, from the face of the earth. Christmas is the most obvious time of the year when this battle becomes apparent.
All year long, we let the anti-Christian movements out there beat up on Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular, and we don't complain much. We let Bill Donohue of the Catholic League do it for us. But at Christmas time, oh no, don't touch Christmas time. Christ has to be in Christmas. But why does He have to be sacred at Christmas, and not worth fighting for the rest of the year? Brothers and sisters, we cannot let Jesus disappear from the face of the earth. We cannot let our Christian culture be eliminated from the pages of our text books all over the world.
Spread the Christian Culture. Bring Jesus to the forefront of our lives.
Give Christian books and videos for Christmas. And be sure to put Christ back into Christmas. We love you.
Have a blessed Christmas.
Bob and Penny Lord are renowned Catholic authors and television hosts on EWTN, Global Catholic television. They are prolific writers about the Catholic faith, especially the Saints for which they have been dubbed "experts on the Saints." Their website is http://www.bobandpennylord.com
Source: http://www.submityourarticle.com
Permalink: http://www.submityourarticle.com/a.php?a=129752
Published in March 2011.
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