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And if thy hand cause thee to stumble, cut it off: it is good for thee to enter into life maimed, rather than having thy two hands to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire.                where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.                And if thy foot cause thee to stumble, cut it off: it is good for thee to enter into life halt, rather than having thy two feet to be cast into hell, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.                And if thine eye cause thee to stumble, cast it out: it is good for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell;                where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.               
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Relying Entirely on My Choices

By LOA Editorial Office,
Love One Another! 2017-39
Alicja Lenczewska

Below, we present the fragments of writings by Alicja Lenczewska, a Polish mystic who received the gift of conversations with Jesus. God, through the agency of Alicja, encourages each of us to submit to his guidance with complete trust.

Relying Entirely on My Choices

† My children, do not be afraid to be mean in the eyes of the world – weak and helpless. I wish so much to guide you, to lead you step by step. I wish to have you in my arms all the time.

Do not try to break free and do not pursue your plans and desires. Desire for me to decide, plan and act for you. I will do this better. You must only be devoted and trustful. I am – I wish to have you united with my heart.

From my every child I expect love, but I expect a different way of expressing love from each of you, because I have given a different heart, a different mind and different conditions of growth and development to each of you. And I approach each of you in a different way.

What is most important in the way of God’s child?

† Staying absolutely faithful, trust, love and a sacrifice of one’s self. […] It is about going beyond the narrowness of reason. If you do, I will speak through the heart. Do you think that it was just an accident that building the Church on Earth, I relied on Peter’s heart and not on his reason? I did not ask if he understood me but if he loved me.

And I asked as many as three times. Many people try hard to reach me with their reason, but it would be so much simpler to use their hearts. It is not an accident that I am closer to simple people and children.

What is the significance of the attitude of trust in God?

† The safest way is the attitude of being God’s child because it saves you from the illusion that you can achieve anything through your own efforts or that you own anything. Religious egocentrism leading to sainthood selfishly understood is the falsification of soul and an outrage to the world. Beware of this. Avoid any comparisons with others or passing judgments on them or satisfaction with one’s “own” spiritual achievements. If such a thought occurs to you, know it is a satanic thought. Beware of pride and vanity that eat away like cancer at the souls of my chosen ones if they cannot escape from this thought in time and hide in my arms like a helpless child.

How does one live in agreement with God’s plan?

† The Eight Beatitudes and Hymn to Love are my entire teachings. I have given you an example of living in conformity with these values and principles. Ask and thirst for me to let you know and love these most beautiful values of human life in the world. And for me to guide you in life through this which will enrich you most. Do not search for anything for yourself on your own: not poverty, nor wealth, nor humiliation, nor elevation, nor comfort of life, nor pain. Let me choose at every moment that which is best for you. Rely entirely on my choice like a helpless infant completely dependent on its mother.

Why should I rely on God’s choice and not on my own self?

† Self-reliance means rejecting me. It is an illusion, too, because a man is never self-reliant. Self-reliant means acting without me. And if without me, then under the inspiration of Satan. No man has ever done anything on his own. Whatever has been done, it has been done under my inspiration or that of Satan. The most painful mistakes happen when a person wishes to act for me but disregards my will because it appears to such a person that he or she knows and is able to determine on their own what is good – what is consistent with my will. This mistake is often made by my servants. This is a mistake of pride, consisting in attributing to oneself the power of discrimination. You have to ask for the power of discrimination continually and ask from the position of knowing nothing. Because, in fact, it is so.

Do not ask me to do something. Submit the matter to me and leave it to my decision

Specifically, how are we to ask?

† Do not ask me to do something. Submit the matter to me and leave it to my decision. This is much better, because in this way you show full confidence in me. And I know better what you need most and what is best for you, don’t I? When a child stands in front of the Father in its helplessness and in complete faith in his help, he cannot and will not refuse to give help. The most perfect baring of oneself, of which I speak in the Gospel, is when one gets rid of any ambitions of being somebody and deciding upon something. You must become nobody to be everything in me and through me. And you must not undertake anything on your own so that I can do everything in you and through you.

Does the way of God’s child mean giving up any effort and leaving everything to God?

† Quite the contrary! It calls for the great effort of giving everything to me and keeping constant vigilance in love and yearning. And above all in accepting and fulfilling my will. This is not the way of sloth and trouble-dodging, but rather of heroic trust and obedience. If a person turns a deaf ear to my instructions and is lazy, he feeds his human imperfection to others. […] The more you want to cling to me and remain faithful, the more my graces fill you. And if you put your effort into it – one that you can afford – I multiply your strength and my power supports you. I always love you with the same love: huge, ardent, delicate, tender and sympathetic. And I always want to fill you with my graces.

Let me choose at every moment that which is best for you. Rely entirely on my choice

Why is the way of God’s child so valuable?

† At present, only the way of childlike devotion may save many people from Satan’s aggression, who is expanding his dominion over the world. This is why I have shown this way to people now. In the past, prolonged ascetic exercises were more necessary. Today, there is neither time for them nor conditions in the world. You must throw yourself into my arms and I will slowly transfigure, protect and guide you. There is not enough time for your own much slower efforts and exercises […]

I have created you to love you, to give you happiness only God can give.

How am I to behave when you shower so many gifts on me and so undeservedly?

† Normally. Enjoy them like a child and accept everything with gratitude. Cultivate this which I have given you and love me with all your heart – with all your strength and with childlike simplicity.

To whom is this way addressed?

† The spirit of being God’s child should permeate all. In any congregation and in lay life, you should obey more my will than other people’s. If there are any problems with obedience, you should give your superiors and the matters they decide to me so that I can guide them. The giving must be done with loving care and trust, and you must be patient and meek. I love all my children and I shall straighten their ways to me.


The above article was published with permission from Miłujcie się! in April 2021.

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