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By Małgorzata Sołtyk, In the 1940s, the United States was outraged by the shocking results of research done about the sexuality of society at that time. They showed that most Americans broke prevailing moral rules, that is, that they did not adhere to Christian morality in the sexual sphere. The author of the research, Alfred Kinsey, was an American entomologist (a scientist that studies insects) who resolved to take up research into human sexual behavior. This fact would have been laughable if it had not had tragic consequences such as the sexual revolution, exerting impact on the culture, science and customs of societies to this very day. Let’s do some research!Kinsey worked at Indiana University and studied one of the species of wasps. He obtained permission to coordinate a new course on marriage and began offering sexual counseling. Having found that there was little research on human sexual behavior available, he began to collect them himself. To carry out his plan, Kinsey obtained permission from his university to conduct research into animal sexuality, although in reality he intended to study humans. Poor grain will produce poor cropAlready when a student, Kinsey rejected Christian faith and morality and his later work in sexology reflected his own depraved life. For any manifestation of sexuality (including homosexuality, bisexuality, pedophilia, incest, or even zoophilia), he considered natural and as such moral, except for monogamy, which he believed to be unnatural and bad. He created such concepts as “broadly understood sex” and “intergenerational sex”, as well as developed a scale named after him on which heterosexuality and homosexuality are two extremes separated by several forms of bisexuality, allegedly the most normal in a human being. What is more, Kinsey separated love from the sexual act and ignored the former in his research by treating the sexuality of a human being in a purely technical manner. His entire research into human sexuality was aimed at bearing out the theses he had proposed earlier, despite the fact that they were wrong.
The choice of his collaborators may also raise doubts. A condition for admitting applicants to the team was giving Kinsey a description of one’s own sexual experiences on the basis of which he concluded if the applicant had rejected all taboos, inhibitions and a sense of guilt, he was thus a suitable candidate to work on the project. The falsehood of the resultsResearch results were published as two reports: Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. They were presented as the scientific evidence that prevailing moral norms were constantly broken by a large portion of American society and that a majority broke them occasionally. The data of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (it had received far greater publicity throughout the country than the Report on the Human Female – published five years later, in 1953, hence it is the former that shall be used to discuss their deficiencies) showed, for instance, that 80 per cent of males had premarital sex, almost 70 per cent had sex with prostitutes, 30-45 per cent had extramarital sex, 37 per cent had homosexual experiences, while one in four American males had more or less “meaningful and regular homosexual experiences” for at least three years between the ages of 16 and 55, one in eight males “had more homosexual than heterosexual experiences,” 10 per cent of males “were to a lesser or greater degree exclusively homosexual” and 4 per cent were homosexual throughout their lives.
Where did such shocking results come from in American Puritan society? From unscientific and unreliable methods that Kinsey deliberately used in his research. Relying on them, he was able to make the false claim that “sexuality is an element present in the human animal from the earliest infancy,” there is no “latency period” before puberty and that it should be developed, just as walking and speaking, and not subjected – as Kinsey put it – to the pressure of parents and society. Research methods and sample population selectionThe Sexual Behavior in the Human Male used data collected from about 5,000 men, of which 25 per cent were prisoners. The data were collected through subjective report interviews with adults and adolescents (among which sexual offenders were overrepresented), interviews with children and observations of, and experiments on, hundreds of children conducted by “technically trained” men. Children aged from 2 months to 15 years were “examined” in some cases for many years and detained against their will. In the name of science, many children were subjected to procedures, having all the signs of sexual abuse or downright rape. Scientists studying both reports pointed to many worrying questions, including those that contributed to the distortion of results. One can name such irregularities as the fact that volunteers represented ¾ of interviewees – this is the so-called volunteer error. The intimate character of the research results in a large number of volunteers who are more prone to exposing their unconventional behavior and are more likely to admit to it. Another problem that distorted results was a formulation of questions which assumed that the interviewee had had experience of every type of sexual activity. This strategy, known as the burden of denial, makes interviewees, even when they have not had any experience of a given activity, reluctant to tell the truth. A purposeful distortion of results also involved the cumulation of cases – treating every person as if he fitted into every earlier age group or previously studied category (e.g. if an adult male had experiences of some sexual activity, it was assumed that he had showed it at an earlier age, too). The list of serious mistakes making the Kinsey studies unreliable and unscientific is long. Thus, without going into further detail, the following can be named: badly selected interviewers, unrandom samples of interviewees unrepresentative of society and deliberately burdened with systematic errors, ungrounded and generalized conclusions, conjectures given as facts, unclear methods and a failure to describe research circumstances, and contravention of research procedures. Objections were also raised by the fact that part of the data was contradictory and some had been removed, without giving any reason. Data on child sexuality were obtained by conducting criminal experiments; the particulars of the children and of the “examiners” were not disclosed. The researchers adopted their own ethical hierarchy (e.g. they did not inform parents that their child would be involved in seriously deviant behavior as part of an “examination”, they did not disclose the identity of pedophiles). Kinsey considered physical injuries to children in the course of an “examination” as sporadic, while psychic traumas were believed by him to have been caused by “negative shaping”. He also ignored the subject of rape, although he had information on the subject. Avalanche of depravityThe reports published by Kinsey spawned a great evil that has spread not only across the United States, but also throughout the world. The 1968 sexual revolution reaped a tragic harvest: debauchery promoted by the slogan of “free love”, the legalization of contraceptives, abortion and pornography, the decriminalization of prostitution, a dramatic increase in the number of pregnancies and abortions among teenage girls, an epidemic of venereal diseases (including the spread of AIDS), numerous divorces, the introduction of obligatory (and depraving) sexual education in public schools. The scale of deepening depravity of society can be seen in statistics. From the publication of the Kinsey reports up to 1968, the number of babies born by single teenage mothers almost tripled to about 165,000; by 1982, the number of suicides increased by 300 per cent; the number of divorces from 1962 to 1981 grew from 400,000 to 1,200,000; between 1960 and 1986, the number of rapes grew by 526 per cent. According to the data supplied by the Center for Disease Control, the most common disease among schoolchildren in 1978 was gonorrhoea – the number of those infected exceeded the number of cases of small pox, measles, mumps and rubella taken together.
The reports also stimulated communities promoting homosexuality, bisexuality, pedophilia, incest or even zoophilia to undertake efforts aimed at making them legal and socially acceptable. As a result, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality in 1973 from the list of pathologies included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, despite the fact that most psychiatrists were against this move. Lies about human sexuality have also permeated the scientific and medical communities. “Scientific” arguments vs. the truthThe effects of these lies sown can be discerned in contemporary culture – in social customs, enacted legislation, and the changing mentality of people who often declare themselves to be Catholics. To this day, Kinsey’s studies are being cited as a credible source of knowledge on human sexuality (later, similar studies have never been made), while their author is presented as a renowned scientist who conducted one of the more important contributions to the field of sexology. The teaching of the Church, however, does not change, even if all the people were to abandon Christian values in their lives. God revealed the Ten Commandments not to restrict human freedom and make man unhappy but to set them free and allow them to live out the fullness of beautiful love and finally reach eternal happiness. “Blessed are the pure in heart […]” (Matt 5:8) – blessed, that is, happy. The truth of these words is borne out by many examples in the lives of saints, as in the life of Bl. Karolina Kózkówna – a 16-year-old girl who did not hesitate to lay down her life for faith and chastity. The truth of the lives of saints the Church holds up as examples to us and the witness of people constructing their lives on Christian values expose the falsehood and perfidy of propaganda damaging people’s consciences. All “new” and revolutionary ideas to “liberate” man cannot produce good fruit, because only God is the source of truth and goodness, thanks to which man may pursue perfection and happiness. Sexuality and loveGod, creating man, fashioned also a sexual sphere in him – thus, it is good in itself and is properly lived out in the marital act. Properly lived out, sexuality serves the purpose of building the unity of spouses – in imitation of the unity of the Holy Trinity – and bringing a new life to the world. According to God’s plan, sexuality expresses the beauty of love and is a disinterested gift spouses offer each other freely. Benedict XVI in the encyclical Deus caritas est preaches about the carnal dimension of love: “Evidently, eros needs to be disciplined and purified if it is to provide not just fleeting pleasure, but a certain foretaste of the pinnacle of our existence, of that beatitude for which our whole being yearns” (DCE 4). Discipline and purification is man’s road to maturity so that the sexual sphere does not control him but rather is a complement of spiritual unity of persons bound by the sacrament of marriage. For the harmony of soul and body is the sign of the true dignity of man whose calling transcends earthly life and is fulfilled in unity with God. Source: J. Reisman, E. Eichel, Source: https://loamagazine.org/archive/2017/2017-39/the-kinsey-reports-a-huge-lie-about-sexuality The above article was published with permission from Miłujcie się! in April 2021. Read more Christian articles (English)
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