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By Aleksandra Jędrzejczak, Jesus continually reminds us of the necessity of persevering in prayer: “Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matt. 7:7–8). The loving God wants to give us everything we need to walk the path that will take us to heaven and to be happy. Jesus assures and encourages us: “Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive.” (Matt. 21:22); “be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.” (Rom. 12:12); “pray without ceasing!” (1 Thess. 5:17). Our editorial team receives many testimonies of graces received by people praying The Pompeian Novena. Here are a few of them. I am praying the Pompeian Novena for the fourth time. The Queen of the Holy Rosary has already helped me and my family three times in difficult life experiences, giving us graces for which I had asked. Our son-in-law (over fifty) got a job he had dreamed about, Mary restored my health, and she led my daughter safely through difficult times. Now I am asking the Queen of the Holy Rosary for a successful operation for my 33-yearold daughter, a mother of two little children. I trust that this time again Mary will obtain the grace of her Son. She has never failed me. I advise everyone in difficult situations to pick up a rosary and to trust in the reliable help of our Mother. Stanislawa I had struggled with a variety of unpleasant health problems for many years. I had visited different doctors, including cardiologists and endocrinologists and taken various drugs. Yet my general wellbeing was getting worse and worse. No doctor could determine what was wrong with me and what was the source of it. In addition to various physical conditions, especially cardiac, my life was also filled with anxiety, depressive moods, neuroses and distressing thoughts, of which I could not get free. One day, I found the magazine Love One Another! on the table, brought home by my father, and inside there was a beautiful testimony of a woman whose marriage had been saved by the Queen of the Holy Rosary of Pompeii. I read there that the prayer this woman had prayed is called ‘the irresistible novena”, and this poured great hope into my heart. I felt it was time to entrust everything to the Mother of God, because only she could obtain the grace of health for me. In the beginning, I had difficulties in reciting the novena, but gradually they started to disappear. Already while praying, I started to feel better, and when I had finished, a real miracle happened! I began to feel a warmth around my heart and was filled with joy and peace; it’s indescribable! My depressive moods disappeared, I gained hope and energy to live, and my faith and trust in God and the Blessed Mother strengthened even more. For a person who had lived for many years tormented by ill-health, it was an amazing feeling! I ask all those who think that they have no hope and no salvation, that they cannot cope with something, who face difficulties: pray this novena with faith and ask, and the Mother of God will help you overcome the biggest of problems! Do not stop praying. I experienced myself that the Mother of God offers us salvation and help. Thanks to her, I now have the chance to fulfil my calling to marriage. Mother of God, Queen of the Holy Rosary, I thank you with all my heart and I ask that you always envelope all of us with your maternal care! I thank you, the Triune God, for giving us Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii, who is the Mediatrix of all graces and the great Help of Christians! Marta I wish to share with the readers of Love One Another! the good news of great grace which Our Lady of Pompeii obtained for my son. He had problems at school (second year of technical secondary school): he didn’t want to attend classes, neglected his studies and failed ten subjects at the end of the first term. I was devastated. I didn’t know what to do. I began to pray the Pompeian Novena after reading how many people had been helped by the Mother of God. From the beginning of March to the end of August, I prayed the novena three times, with intervals of a few days. As soon as I began to recite it, the Blessed Virgin helped in a marvellous way. My son started to learn, improving in one subject after another. It was not easy for him, and he would often grow discouraged, but I supported him as much as I could. When the end of the school year came, my son passed eight subjects and had two more to do during the summer holidays. He studied persistently. At the end of August, he had exams, which he passed. For me it is a miracle. I am very happy and grateful to my beloved heavenly Mum for the grace we received. Thank you, Mummy! Edyta In September 2013, I began reciting the Pompeian Novena, called “the irresistible novena”. It is a difficult prayer, but it is effective and guarantees that you will receive what you ask for – if it is in accordance with God’s will. Through the intercession of Mary, the good Lord has given us a wonderful gift, for which we had been waiting so long. After many months of trying, in June 2014 I got pregnant. Together with my husband, we are delighted that we will be parents again. We also have a sense of how important we are to God and how we are loved by Him. It is He who chooses the best time to fulfil what He promised. There is nothing impossible for Him. He is great and mighty, yet gentle and compassionate. How good it is to have such Dad! Anna
How to pray The Pompeian Novena?The Pompeian Novena is the recitation of the three parts of the rosary (joyful, sorrowful, glorious) for fifty-four days. You can also recite the fourth part: luminous mystery. During the prayer, you have to totally entrust yourself to Jesus through Mary, open your heart to the healing power of God’s love, entrust to God all your problems, difficulties, doubts and fears, and abide in the arms of our Mother Mary. A necessary condition for a good prayer is to completely break away from sin and to constantly fight against it and Satan by going to the sacrament of penance and making a daily effort to incorporate Christ’s commands into your life: “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” (Mark 8:34). To deny oneself means not to seek oneself in God, not to seek elation, joy or spiritual sweetness in prayer. It means to accept with gratitude all that God gives. You cannot grow discouraged and give up prayer in times of total dryness and loss of all sweetness in God. True prayer depends not on feelings, but on will. “If we ask for grace, God will give it, but we need to receive it; and to receive it, you need self-denial. Love does not rely on words or feelings, but on action. It is an act of will, it is a gift, that is, giving; intellect, will, heart – these three powers must be disciplined in prayer”, writes St Faustina. (Diary 392)
When reciting the Pompeian Novena, before each of the three parts of the Rosary, first say the intention (only one), then say: “This rosary I pray in your honour, Queen of the Holy Rosary”. For the first twenty-seven days, recite the pleading part of the Pompeian Novena, and every day, after the completion of each part of the Rosary, pray the following prayer: “Remember, oh merciful Virgin of the Rosary of Pompeii, that it has never been heard before that any of your worshippers, with your rosary, calling for your help, was abandoned by you. Oh, do not despise my request, oh Mother of the Eternal Word, but by your holy rosary and the pleasure that you show for your temple in Pompeii, hear me kindly. Amen.”
For the remaining twenty-seven days, recite the thanksgiving part of the Pompeian Novena, and every day, after the completion of each of the three parts of the Rosary, pray the following prayer: “What can I give you, oh Queen full of love? I dedicate my whole life to you. As long as I have strength, I will spread your honour, oh Virgin of the Rosary of Pompeii, because when I called for your help, the grace of God came to me. Everywhere I will talk about the mercy that you have given me. As much as I can, I will spread devotion to the Holy Rosary. I will declare to all how kindly you treated me and how unworthy sinners, just as I am, can come to you with confidence. Oh, if only the whole world knew how good you are, what pity you have on those who suffer, all creatures would run to you. Amen.” Apart from the final prayers, finish each of the three parts of the rosary with a triple sigh to the Mother of God: “Queen of the Holy Rosary, pray for us!” Jesus, while dying on the cross, gave us Mary to be our Mother. With such an Advocate, we can feel safe and be sure that our best Mother Mary will lead us on the path of faith to Jesus Christ. Recitation of the rosary, prayed with childlike confidence and with a pure heart, will bear extraordinary fruit, as it will open our hearts to receive God’s gifts. Source: https://loamagazine.org/archive/2016/2016-35/through-mary-to-jesus-the-pompeian-novena The above article was published with permission from Miłujcie się! in September 2020.
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