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By Fr. Mieczysław Piotrowski S.Chr., Complete and unlimited trust is the simplest and most effective way to experience the merciful love of Jesus Christ, who through His passion, death and resurrection forgave us all our sins. If I keep Jesus at a distance, nothing will change in my life. Jesus will not be able to help me without agreement from my side. That is why He patiently waits for me to trust Him completely and make Him the only Lord of my life. The Lord Jesus wants to help us entrust and completely submit ourselves to Him. That is the reason why St Faustina revealed to us the message and portrait of His mercy. This portrait of the risen Christ is widely known and respected throughout the world. It was painted as Jesus Himself directed St Faustina in an apparition to her in 1931. The Lord Jesus spoke the following words to her: “paint an imageaccording to the pattern you see, with the inscription: Jesus, I trust in You. I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish. I also promise victory over its enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of death. I Myself will defend that soul as My own glory.” (Diary 47–48) Through St Faustina, the risen Lord reminds us that He is “love, and mercy itself” (Diary 1024). The Lord Jesus says: “Let no soul fear to draw near to me. Even though its sins be as scarlet” (Diary 699); “My mercy is greater than your sins and those of the entire world […] For you I let my sacred heart be pierced with a lance, thus opening wide the source of mercy for you; come then with trust to draw graces from this fountain. I never reject a contrite heart” (Diary 1485); “I have opened my heart as a living fountain of mercy.Let all souls draw life from it. Let them approach this sea of mercy with great trust.” (Diary 1520); “The graces of my mercyare drawn by one vessel only, and that is – trust. The more a soul trusts, the more it will receive.” (Diary 1578).
St John Paul II wrote: “Believing in the crucified Son means ‘seeing the Father’ (cf. John 14:9), means believing that love is present in the world and that this love is more powerful than any kind of evil in which individuals, humanity or the world are involved. Believing in this love means believing in mercy. For mercy is an indispensable dimension of love; it is as it were love’s second name and, at the same time, the specific manner in which love is revealed and effected vis-à-vis the reality of the evil that is in the world, affecting and besieging man, insinuating itself even into his heart and capable of causing him to ‘perish in Gehenna’ (Mat 10:28).” (Dives in misericordia)
Love, revealed in the death and resurrection of Christ, is manifest in the unending mercy towards everyperson who becomes entangled in various forms of evil. Freedom from the terrible slavery of sin and achieving full happiness is possible only by surrendering oneself to Jesuswith complete, childish trust. This is the meaning of the Divine Mercy Message. This truth should be experienced in a particular manner on the first Sunday after Easter, that is, on the Feast of Divine Mercy, which Jesus Himself proclaimed when speaking to St Faustina: “It is My desire that it should be celebrated on the first Sunday afterEaster. […] I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. […] On that day […] I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the Fount of My mercy.” (Diary 699) “whoever approaches the Fount of Life [goes to confession and takes Holy Communion] on this day will be granted complete remission of sins and punishment.” (Diary 300). “Souls perish in spite of my bitter passion. I am giving them the last hope of salvation; that is — the Feast of My Mercy. If they will not adore my mercy, they will perish for all eternity. Secretary of My mercy, write, tell souls about this great mercy of Mine, because the awful day, the day of My justice is near.” (Diary 965) The greatest treasure that we can receive on earth is the gift of the forgiveness of all our sins in the sacrament of penance, along with receiving the risen Christ in Holy Communion. The Lord Jesus suffers greatly because of our lack of trust in His infinite mercy and also because of the indifference and cold heart with which He is received: “Know […] that when I come to a human heart in Holy Communion My hands are full of all kinds of graces which I want to give to the soul. But souls do not even pay any attention to me; they leave Me to Myself, and busy themselves with other things. Oh, how sad I am that souls do not recognise Love.” (Diary 1385). “Oh, how painful it is to me that souls so seldom unite themselves to me in Holy Communion. I wait for souls and they are indifferent toward Me. I love them tenderly and sincerely, and they distrust me. I want to lavish My graces on them, and they do not want to accept them. They treat me as a dead object, whereas my heart is full of love and mercy. In order that you may know at least some of My pain, imagine the most tender of mothers who has great love for her children, while those children spurn her love. Consider her pain. No one is in a position to console her. This is but a feeble image and likeness of my love.” (Diary 1447). The Lord Jesus invites us all, no matter how great our sins, to immerse ourselves with childlike trust in the ocean of His mercy through sincere confession, receiving Him into our hearts in Holy Communion, surrendering our will to Him and beginning life anew. We must tear ourselves away from all sin, from occasions that can lead to sin and to evil habits and customs. So self-discipline in putting one’s daily activities in order is essential so that the first priorities will be prayer, solid and honest work, and rest. Let us prepare ourselves to take part in the Holy Year of Mercy through: 1. Assiduous daily prayer, as well as the Novena to Divine Mercy, which starts on Good Friday; 2. Complete trust in Jesus, sincere contrition for our sins, radical severance from every sin and near instance of sin, confession and Holy Communion; 3. Practising mercy towards our neighbours through prayer and through our words and actions. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself directs us: “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” (Luke 6:36) Source: https://loamagazine.org/archive/2015/2015-32/the-more-you-trust-the-more-you-will-receive The above article was published with permission from Miłujcie się! in September 2020.
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