Christian article - Love One Another Christian articles - Love One Another
Don't be anxious for your life, what you will eat, nor yet for your body, what you will wear.                Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing.                Consider the ravens: they don't sow, they don't reap, they have no warehouse or barn, and God feeds them. How much more valuable are you than birds!                Which of you by being anxious can add a cubit to his height?                If then you aren't able to do even the least things, why are you anxious about the rest?                Consider the lilies, how they grow. They don't toil, neither do they spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.                But if this is how God clothes the grass in the field, which today exists, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith?                Don't seek what you will eat or what you will drink; neither be anxious.                For the nations of the world seek after all of these things, but your Father knows that you need these things.                But seek God's Kingdom, and all these things will be added to you.               
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Yoga, Occultism, and Magic

Author: Testimony,
Love One Another! 14/2009 → Magic, idolatry, spiritual threats

Love One Another!

I wish to testify to the dangers of magic and the occult, transcendental meditation, and other practices and techniques of Eastern religions. At first, it all looks very innocent, but as you get deeper into these kinds of practices you find yourself sinking into the sin of idolatry, and even Satanism. I went down that path myself; but thank God I returned to the Lord.

As the oldest of six siblings I did not have an easy childhood. Responsibilities exceeding a child’s abilities, lack of love, abuse, and being the object of my father’s constant curses — all these things caused me great pain and suffering as a child. 

I was a lukewarm, perfunctory Catholic who went to confession and Holy Communion twice a year. I knew neither Jesus, nor the Holy Scriptures, nor the Catechism. I was at odds with, and always breaking, the Ten Commandments. In addition, I was superstitious. (A black cat crossing the road meant bad luck, a chimney sweep brought good luck, etc.) I also believed in fortunetelling, visited psychics frequently, and consulted a numerologist. I did not know that keeping statues of Buddha and signs of the zodiac in the house, reading esoteric books, wearing talismans (especially the now very fashionable and dangerous Atlantis ring), consulting the horoscope, habitual TV watching, and indiscriminate surfing of the net constituted the sin of idolatry, which grows on you like a cancer.

All forms of spiritist, occult or magic practice of whatever origin radiate evil energies that influence human beings and their surroundings. Slowly but surely these practices ruined my mind, body, and soul. I was not aware then that a parent’s curses can wreak great spiritual harm on their children; nor did I know that these curses were the cause of my suffering and failures. I did not know that the only remedy for an uttered curse was forgiveness, reception of the sacraments, and prayer. Participation in prayer groups (such as Renewal in the Spirit communities) is also very helpful.

When I was twenty-three, I met a girl. Ignoring her bad character, obvious faults, and lack of faith, and guided only by my feelings and her beauty, I married her. I loved her very much. We lived with my divorced mother-in-law, who regularly sought the services of fortune-tellers. Before long we had two lovely children. So as to put aside some money and obtain our own house more quickly, I went abroad to work. Meanwhile, my wife enjoyed ready cash and free time, for it was her mother and grandmother who looked after the children.

After five years of marriage, my wife suddenly informed me that she loved someone else and that it was all over between us. I packed my suitcase and moved into a hotel. The shock of the event brought on a nervous breakdown. But instead of turning to God, I sought escape in alcohol. I wanted to drink myself to death, but in vain!

In 1990 I found myself in a mental institution. There I underwent group therapy sessions during which we talked in detail about ourselves, our families, childhood, negative and positive experiences, and so on. You might call it a kind of group confession. One of my nervous symptoms, a burning sensation in my feet, disappeared, but the rest remained: anxiety, insomnia, and a broken personality. I also availed myself of homeopathic remedies. I did not know these remedies were closely linked with occult powers. I had no idea that the process of my healing and reintegration of my broken personality could be effectively achieved only in the Church founded by Jesus Christ.

Unconsciously I was seeking help and an answer to the question “why?” Why had I suffered so much since childhood, and why did evil pursue me so?

I could not stand silence, and so I spent the time listening to the radio, fueling my mind and imagination with shabby TV programs, which only plunged me into deeper spiritual chaos. Then, in 1991, I heard an advertisement on the radio: “Learn to relax and feel good about yourself! Yoga classes at the following location.” Though I had no idea what yoga was, I felt sure it was the answer to my problems. So I began to practice eastern meditation. Our guru led us in relaxation exercises accompanied by music. He also gave talks, mostly about love. At the first meeting, he was very pleasant and loving. He even took off his shirt (I had taken a shine to it) and presented me with it. By this gesture he gained my boundless trust. He became my number-one idol. Naturally, I stopped going to church, so as to develop myself spiritually, mentally, and financially in “complete freedom.”

My fellow disciples were for the most part educated, likeable, and sensitive people. But all of them were wounded in some way. They came from broken families and, like me, lived sinful lives. They included doctors, lawyers, teachers, and successful businessmen. After taking part in the meetings for three months, I began to feel better. I stopped drinking and smoking.

The classes were held in community centers or local elementary schools (a significant detail to which I paid no attention at the time). We also had away-from-home “retreats” during which we practiced intensive physical exercises (asana), which open up the chakras, breathing exercises (pranayama), and attended lectures on Buddhism, Sufism, and esoteric knowledge. The teacher also made use of citations taken out of context from Holy Scripture and the Lord’s Prayer. Yoga exercises, a special diet, and self-knowledge were supposed to enable me to transcend myself — with the ultimate aim of achieving a nirvanic “Buddha-state.” I also traveled to take lessons in a Western European country. Our education was sponsored by our guru’s own teacher (a former minister of state of that country). It was he who had imparted his secret knowledge to our teacher. He was also a guest at my home. After his visit, my guru told me the cause of my ill fortune and anxieties was the crucifix that hung in my home. He ordered me to remove it.

As a diligent and grateful disciple, I received an esoteric name. I was told to conduct relaxation exercises while silently repeating a mantra appealing to cosmic powers. Through such mantras, by calling on pagan gods, we can unwittingly summon up demonic powers. Homeopathic remedies and other products linked with the occult exert the same kind of influence. For example, few people who buy the various relaxation audiotapes available on the market know how they are produced. Typically, the teacher and his prize female disciple will insert a mantra into the recording, thus charging the cassette with an occult energy, which, while not detectible, exerts its effect nevertheless.

Local school buildings often serve as venues for promoting the services of touch energy healers and dowsers. I myself took part in such a festival called “Not of this Earth” in which professional occultists displayed their healing craft through reiki techniques, color and music therapy, and homeopathic remedies. Touch healers, diviners, psychics, astrologists, and numerologists — all touted their various arcane skills. In addition, you could find on display all manner of precious stones, pendulums, talismans, and occult literature. I myself sold books on Sufism and tarotology and relaxation cassettes recorded by my guru. Needless to say, I promoted his yoga and tarotology classes as well, while his female disciples offered free fortune-telling sessions with tarot cards. These festivals and promotional drives are supposed to bring health and happiness, but in reality they expose the participant to the action of demonic powers. An old touch healer, who has now abandoned his practice, once told me that such activities are like playing with a time bomb!

All this has nothing to do with the Christian faith, since it constitutes either magic or the occult, or leads to it. It is a neo-pagan phenomenon and comes under various pseudo-scientific guises, such as alternative healing methods, anthroposophy, theosophy, the Silva mind-perfection method, New Age, etc. What kind of energy do these healers use? Many of them will not heal in Catholic churches, since the presence of the Blessed Sacrament hampers them. 

Evil works through magic in two insidious ways. In the first place, it gives the impression of being helpful to people who are often unaware that they are opening themselves up to the action of Satan. That is why I very quickly achieved what I expected to gain from it. I overcame my bad habits and negative feelings about myself. Upon initiation and receiving their esoteric name, participants often find themselves making a good living and feeling good about themselves. But the purpose of the secret name is to sever their relation with Jesus Christ. It is important to remember that it is only when we seek to break with evil and declare ourselves radically for Jesus Christ that Satan manifests himself most aggressively and strives to destroy us.

After a while — and this is the second way in which evil works through magic — the participant in these kinds of lessons begins to surrender his free will to his teacher. My guru gradually surrounded himself with suitable disciples, so that in the end you could find them everywhere: in the municipal office, the school, banks, courts, businesses, and even the health service. Even though he was unseemly in his conduct with people, he was capable of manipulating a large number of educated and sensitive people, albeit people deeply wounded by sin. And he could act not only through people, but also through objects and animals. For example, I received from him the gift of a cat, which was given to the strangest behavior. After I left the sect, he had his female disciples present me with a flower and rosary, which were also charged with magic powers. Moreover, my sin affected my children. Was it merely by chance that while I was a member of the sect my son took drugs and my daughter’s life fell apart? How much evil I unwittingly wrought on my family and friends!

I tried to leave the sect several times without success. The relaxation lessons acted on me like a magnet, more strongly than any addiction. Now I know these were fetters — Satan’s chains. It was not until 2002 that I was able to make the break, and this I attribute to my mother. Like Saint Monica she prayed for my conversion. After eleven years of estrangement from the Church, I knelt down and, in the presence of my guru, cried out to God, “Lord, tell me what is going on here. Where am I?” And God had pity on me! The Holy Spirit suddenly illuminated me. I understood that this was a sect, that the guru was controlling our minds, and that we had become pliable tools in the hands of Satan.

My decision was instantaneous. I would leave; make my escape. Alas, my guru now knew that I knew who or what he was; and that was when the full weight of hell came down upon me. No more feeling good about myself, for all this Satan had built on sand. That was when the horror began. I stopped thinking logically. Satan attacked my body, my mind, and my material wellbeing. On returning home, I was unable to get into the house. I slept with friends. Three times locksmiths had to open the door to my house with drills. I could neither eat, nor sleep, nor stay in the house. I was in danger of losing my house and life. I felt doom hovering over me. But God saw me through this period. Now I know that restoring to normal life a person who had been up to his ears in the occult and magic is a miracle greater than the raising of Lazarus. I felt convinced that my salvation lay in Jesus Christ who was present in His Church. But I still had serious problems. For six months I was unable to set foot in a church, I was unable to pray, especially the rosary — that most effective of weapons against Satan. I was unable to listen to Catholic broadcasts on the radio. Often I would lie down at the doors of Divine Mercy shrine in Krakow-Lagiewniki, and there I found a measure of relief. Satan wreaked his vengeance on me, took away my strength, energy, and will to live. My soul was crushed under the weight of my sins, especially pride. Those who abide in the sin of occult practice become tractable tools — mediums through which Satan acts.

Finally, I managed to get past the doors of the Divine Mercy Basilica and go to confession. What a shock I received! No condemnation! “Jesus loves you,” the priest told me. “He can do nothing else. He forgives all your sins.” But I still could not pray. Dark thoughts assailed me. I tried to say the Our Father and the Hail Mary, but I was unable to get through them. But I persevered and fought on.

It was not until I had a Holy Mass said in my house and the exorcist priest prayed over the house and myself that the chains of evil finally broke. And then extraordinary things began to happen. My father, who had always cursed me, gave me his blessing. My son stopped taking drugs. My daughter’s life began to improve. But whenever I prayed, I could still sense Satan lurking at the door of my mind.

I took out a bank loan and got permission to overhaul and refurbish the house. But even that did not prevent strange, paranormal things from happening there. Sometimes, for no apparent reason at all, my photocopier, new washer, or radio would stop working. My cell phone would burn in my hand, so that I could not hold it. I knew this was the devil’s revenge, but these actions only served to unmask him still further. God allowed these things to happen to encourage me to pray more fervently, receive the sacraments more frequently, and rely on Him alone. I entrusted everything to Christ and His healing power within the Church. And this saved me.

I made contact with the Order of Michaelite Priests and confided myself to the care of St. Michael the Archangel. I also joined “Metanoia,” a Renewal in the Holy Spirit community. Moreover, I availed myself of prayers of healing and deliverance said by several charismatic priests, including Fr. John Bashabora of Uganda, exorcist priest Fr. Piotr Gryziec, and others.

I have now learned the meaning of true wisdom, merciful love, and the power of God the Father and Jesus Christ, who act through the priests and the Catholic Church. Our priests serve in the name of Jesus Christ. We ought, then, to pray for them all. In my prayers Jesus has shown me my wounded family tree. At Holy Mass and during adoration of the Blessed Sacrament He gives me more than I deserve. The greater my sin, the greater my trust in God’s mercy — and the greater the graces that flow to me. Through daily Scripture reading, I have discovered that the word of God has power; that it is alive and efficacious. In my exodus from enslavement to the occult, I have been helped not only by daily persevering prayer and the sacraments of penance and the Eucharist, but also by fasting, almsgiving, and making pilgrimages.

I appeal to all those responsible for and working in the mass media: Do not oppose God and His Church! Do not destroy yourselves, your families, friends, and our so deeply wounded country, which only God Himself can heal, raise up, and restore. I experienced horrors because you allowed a charlatan to advertize his yoga lessons on the airwaves. I heard that advertisement, and that was the beginning of the tragedy to which I testify here. Satan masks his loathing of the human race. That is why he seems so friendly to those who serve him. At the same time, he tries to destroy those who decide to leave him and draw closer to God.

How many people resort to numerology, astrology, fortunetelling, and yoga exercises, which open up the chakras where demons dwell, so as to earn more money, have power, and enjoy better health! Remember, all these things come from Satan. There will come a time when he will come to claim his own, for you took advantage of his power and knowledge. Is it worth it, since Jesus gives us everything we need to be happy?

Dear friends! I beg you to clear your house of every pagan object, whether from the East or West: bad books, tarot cards, talismans, pornographic materials, Atlantis rings, zodiac signs. These things open you up to the work of the Evil One. That is why I am asking you to burn or destroy horoscopes and every brochure, book, or other article connected with the occult.

Parents! Do not send your children to so-called “brain enrichment” sessions yoga or kung fu lessons. Do not allow them to be raised by TV and the Internet. Do not allow your school and pre-school children to participate in school parties involving pagan costumes, incense-burning, scented candles — not to mention fortunetelling, wax-pouring, techno or heavy metal music.

The powers of evil concealed in these things quickly enslave us, at first under good pretenses, but only so as eventually to destroy and lead us to hell. It is Satan sowing his seed; and one day it will yield its bitter fruits. But let us also remember that Satan can never overcome the wisdom and power of God. That is why, while we live on earth, we can always free ourselves from enslavement to Satan and seek refuge in the mercy of Almighty God.

Finally, I urge all those enmeshed in addictions and pagan sects to trust in the Creator, that they forgive the people who harmed them, work patiently and systematically on themselves, receive the sacraments of penance and Holy Communion, and read and meditate every day on Holy Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the lives of the saints. Then gradually the metanoia will take place: the transformation of the minds and hearts of our families, our country, and ourselves.

I have experienced the truth of the words: “I am the Lord your God who freed you from the land of Egypt and the house of slavery (enslavement to sin).” That is why today, I, an old sinner, wish to become a great saint. Our holiness will begin to shine, when we come to observe the First Commandment: “You shall have no other gods before me!” Today I am certain that the cause of my sufferings and failures was sin: my own sin, the sin of my parents and grandparents, ignorance, and lack of faith. My error was fundamental. Until the age of fifty-six I did not take or treat Jesus seriously. The results of this were lamentable. And yet despite this, Jesus never forgot me! He is the one Healer, who heals body, mind, and soul. I have experienced healings in all these areas, including my spine. Thank you, my Jesus!

I have found in Holy Scripture the perfect verse from Saint Paul, which encapsulates everything I have testified to here: “See to it that no one captivate you with an empty, seductive philosophy according to human tradition, according to the elemental powers of the world and not according to Christ” (Col 2:8). In today’s world, these empty, seductive philosophies, human traditions, and elemental powers are at work in concrete organizations, movements, associations, and sects, and take on the form of magic and the occult. They represent the centers of neo-paganism or what is called the New Age.

I thank all the priests, religious sisters, and laypeople, who helped me to leave the sect, and who continue to help me in my struggle (for it is not yet over), so that I may grow in love and holiness. Thank you and God bless you!


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