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By Father Mieczysław Piotrowski TChr, Each child conceived in a mother’s womb reveals something of the nature of our Creator’s love, a love that is all-powerful and yet at the same time meek and defenseless. Every newly conceived human being is a spark of God’s light created for the purpose of dispelling the powers of darkness, sin, and death. That is why Satan works so hard to prevent the conception of new human beings.
It explains his powerful assault on human sexuality, unborn children, and the institution of family. In this way he seeks to revenge himself upon the miracle of the Incarnation, to stop the growth of the Kingdom of God, and to take as many souls as possible with him into eternal damnation.
Jesus tells us that Satan was a murderer from the beginning (Jn 8 : 44). He is the principal instigator behind the depravity of unbridled sex and pornography. It is he who induces people to inflict that appalling legally sanctioned crime upon unborn children. Every year, about 70 million children, the world’s most innocent and defenseless human beings, are snuffed out in their mothers’ wombs in the most appalling manner. And the world considers this genocide a great achievement and a democratic right!
Satan’s master plan for the destruction of the family consists not only in the murder of the unborn, but also in preventing the conception of new human beings. Our loving God has His own very specific plan for every marriage. He decides how many children a family is to have. The married couple’s role is to discern His divine intention, acquiesce in it, and gratefully accept every newly conceived child as God’s greatest treasure. Jesus knows if a family is meant to have two, five, or just one child. To oppose God’s plans, to close ourselves to the conception of new life is to cooperate with the powers of darkness in destroying the Kingdom of God.
God is the source and giver of life. For Him, every human being has infinite dignity and value from the moment of conception. Every human being is His beloved child. Man’s dignity derives not from his IQ, level of development, age, or social status, but from the very fact of his humanity.
Our Triune God is Love itself, which in its eternal begetting of the Son, transmits life and calls new human beings to life. When married couples oppose God’s plan and take every precaution not to have the children that God intends for them, they are thwarting His creative power. This is an act of great presumption and a grave sin. It violates the primeval commandment we received at the beginning of creation, Be fruitful and multiply (Gen 1 : 28). We turn our backs on God’s plan for purely selfish reasons. We renounce having children because it means work and sacrifice. We do not want anyone apart from ourselves. We reject having more children because they will make our life less comfortable. We do not wish to take responsibility for others so as to bear their burdens. And yet we would have others bear ours!
To renounce the bearing and raising of children is also to pass up a unique opportunity and a marvelous adventure: that of growing in love. Love is life’s greatest treasure. We achieve it and grow in it only through the unselfish gift of ourselves to God and others. A married couple’s most important career is to discern and carry out God’s plan for their marriage – to bear and rear the children that God sends them. This is a hundred times more important than academic titles and professional status. The family can only fulfil the mission entrusted to it by God when Jesus Christ is the basis of their union and remains the source of their love. They must receive Christ’s love in daily prayer and the sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist, and share this love with one another. There is only one real requirement: to earnestly desire a pure, loving heart, for Jesus bestows this gift on anyone that desires and asks for it. To keep their family intact, to turn it into a community in which the presence of God is experienced through reciprocal love, in which children can grow up and mature in holiness – to achieve this, the parents must live the spirit of Christ’s beatitude, Blessed are the pure of heart. This is why Jesus encourages couples to join the Movement of Pure Hearts for Married Couples. To become members of MPHMC, you must first go to Confession and Holy Communion, renew your wedding vows, and say the following prayer of consecration:
we offer You our memory, our mind, our soul, and body. Teach us to love one another and our children with a love that flows from Your merciful heart. Lord Jesus Christ, grant both of us a pure heart modeled on Your own, that our life together may be built upon a prudent and generous love, a love that is devoted, not self-seeking, and stands in defense of Your laws and commandments. May we be aided in this through daily family prayer, the rosary, the chaplet of Divine Mercy, Holy Mass, and frequent reception of Holy Communion. May we immediately confess every serious sin in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Lord Jesus, be the one Lord of our life. Teach us to achieve mastery over our sexual drives and feelings, that our love for one another and for our children may not depend on changing moods and states of feeling, but remain constant in its concern and expression of kindness. Grant us a pure conjugal love, that we may make an unselfish gift of ourselves to each other. Cleanse our love of every sign of selfishness, that we may forgive one another, put aside grudges, and pray for each other. To remain pure in heart, we promise never to read, buy, or look at pornographic magazines, programs or films, to avoid artificial contraception, and always to be ready to accept every child with which God should gift us. We ask You, Lord, to help us avoid everything that makes us dependent, that enslaves our will or inclines us to evil. Mary, our Mother lead us along the way of faith, to the very source of Love in our marriage – to Jesus, that we may trust and believe
in Him alone.
We encourage you to inform us in writing of this great event. Send us your address, date of birth, and also the date that you joined the MPHMC community. We, in turn, will send you a special blessing and enroll you in our Book of Pure Hearts.
Jesus very much wants you to keep sending us your testimonies and thereby share with others the treasure of our Faith and the secret to authentic married life. Our sincere greetings to you all. Be assured of our daily prayers for your intentions.
The above article was published with permission from Miłujcie się! in November 2010
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