Christian Library. Christian articles. He Destroyed My Love Christianity - Articles - a testimony
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you                Pray without ceasing                For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you                And we know and have believed the love which God hath in us. God is love; and he that abideth in love abideth in God, and God abideth in him                Through many tribulations we must enter into the kingdom of God                Verily I say unto you, Except ye turn, and become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven                Verily I say unto you, It is hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven                It is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God               
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He Destroyed My Love

A testimony
Love One Another! 2/2003 → a testimony

Love One Another

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for this magazine, for the love it exemplifies, and the wise teachings it contains. It reached my hands at the moment I most I needed it. Since then I have read many peoples’ personal testimonies. Their advice has been useful to me, and it helps somehow to know that I am not the only one suffering this way. In writing this letter, I am seeking after the truth. I also want others to understand the depth of my pain and suffering.


It started when I fell in love with a guy. He seemed to be the boy of my dreams. Good-looking. Handsome. Quite himself. It felt good being around him. So it had to be true love — I thought. After our first meeting, we saw each other again twice, and I felt so happy. By the time we met for the third time, I was too much in love to realize what I was doing. Sweet and gentle in his manner, he showered me with passionate kisses. But he wanted more. And since it felt so good to be with him, I could not say no. Besides, I had to know what it was like to sleep with a guy. I agreed. It happened.
It is hard to say what it was like. He was very gentle, and I felt he had really tried to please me. He repaid my intimacy with more passionate kisses and sweet words. On coming home, I was unable to sleep. My mind raced with thoughts and images of what had passed between us. I felt like a real woman, that I was truly loved. When we met again, I was so in love that I gave in to his every whim, without considering that his demands might be becoming excessive. After a while, it began to dawn on me that our relationship was based mainly on sex. It got to the point that when we would meet, we did not even talk; we just had sex. In my heart, I knew something was lacking — something more beautiful than sex alone. I needed to be assured that he truly loved me.
Our relationship cooled, and my suffering increased. Where was the true affection that was supposed to underlie our physical intimacy? One day he looked me over with a total lack of interest. He said he was tired. I could make no sense of it. Did he really love me, or had he just been using me? That day he left with no expression of interest in me. He left no word when we would meet again, and I did not have the courage to ask.
The suffering that then entered my heart, and the emptiness I felt, knew no bounds. I felt I could not love anymore. The love I had offered was destroyed. There was nothing more to give. I realized I had been used in a disgusting manner, for I had given away what was most precious to me, and received pain and suffering in return. I grew to regret everything, to hate the very day I had met him. At the same time, I could not forget the look in his eyes when we had first met, the fascination we had felt for each other. The question now torments me. Why did I, who had so anticipated that day, thinking it would be so special, receive such short shrift from the person I had loved, and to whom I had given everything? I had been tricked. The thought of the future now frightens me. I feel I have lost the ability to trust — especially men.
If someone were now to seek my advice, I would say let your “first time” be with the one to whom you have pledged your love — your wife or husband. True love must be based on friendship, trust and, most importantly, on belief in Christ. Now I know that it is not worth losing your peace of mind over sex. Sex is only beautiful when it is expressed through love in marriage. It is the way God intended it. I hope someone has heard and understood me. Thank you and God bless!
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The above article was published with permission from Miłujcie się! in November 2010

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