Christian films. The Jesus Film. The Jesus Film
Don't be anxious for your life, what you will eat, nor yet for your body, what you will wear.                Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing.                Consider the ravens: they don't sow, they don't reap, they have no warehouse or barn, and God feeds them. How much more valuable are you than birds!                Which of you by being anxious can add a cubit to his height?                If then you aren't able to do even the least things, why are you anxious about the rest?                Consider the lilies, how they grow. They don't toil, neither do they spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.                But if this is how God clothes the grass in the field, which today exists, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith?                Don't seek what you will eat or what you will drink; neither be anxious.                For the nations of the world seek after all of these things, but your Father knows that you need these things.                But seek God's Kingdom, and all these things will be added to you.               
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The Jesus Film

The Jesus Film

The Jesus Film

The Jesus Film

The Jesus Film

The Jesus Film

The Jesus Film

The Jesus Film

The Jesus Film

The Jesus Film

The Jesus Film

The Jesus Film

The Jesus Film

Photo -

Produced by John Heyman, Richard F. Dalton

Written by Barnet Bain, Luke (book)

Starring: Brian Deacon, Yosef Shiloach, Rivka Neumann

Jesus (alternately called The Jesus Film), is a 1979 motion picture which depicts the life of Jesus Christ according primarily to the Gospel of Luke in the Christian Bible. It was co-directed by Australian Peter Sykes and British John Krisch and filmed in Israel.


The film's origins date back to 1945 when a young businessman named Bill Bright wanted to privately finance a film about the life of Jesus Christ that was entertaining, Biblically accurate, and which could be translated into non-English languages. Rather than making a film at that time, Bright went on to found a Christian ministry to reach college students called Campus Crusade for Christ in 1951.

In 1976, with Campus Crusade's influence spreading beyond college campuses to sports, the marketplace and other aspects of society, Bright turned his attention once again to filmmaking. Hollywood's German-born British producer John Heyman approached Bright to fund a project to put the entire Bible on film. The project would eventually be scaled back to just one book of the Bible, the Gospel of Luke, and be financed primarily by Campus Crusade supporters Bunker and Caroline Hunt for a sum of $6 million.

A team of 500 scholars and leaders from secular and Christian organizations began to research historical elements for a film about Jesus. Filming took place over the course of several months throughout the Middle East.

Jesus was produced by John Heyman, a German-born British producer. British Shakespearean actor Brian Deacon was hired to play the critical role of Jesus himself. The part of Mary was played by Rivka Neumann, and the part of Joseph by Yosef Shiloach. Former Jesus Film Project director Paul Eshleman, who was on location during much of the principal photography and even had a small non-speaking role as a Roman soldier on horseback, revealed in the DVD's audio commentary that Deacon (the son of a Catholic mother and a Protestant father), was so committed to the film and its message that he read several Bible translations a day in order to make certain that he properly presented Christ's teachings. Because Deacon developed pneumonia during principal photography, doubles were used in certain scenes. Eshleman also said that Niko Nitai, who played Peter, became a believer during filming and that the man hired to play Jesus' corpse later entered a seminary.

Some locations mentioned in the Bible, such as the Jordan River and what is believed to have been the home of Simon the Tanner, were used in the film.

After each day's filming was completed, the footage was sent to a panel of biblical scholars for review.

Instead of creating a parallel story for the film or embellishing the biblical account, as is the case with other biblical films such as The Ten Commandments or The Greatest Story Ever Told, the filmmakers chose to adhere as closely as possible to the Gospel of Luke. At the end of the film it states that the Good News Bible (Today's English Version) was used for the filming. Most of the film's dialogue comes from Luke, which was chosen after John Heyman sought advice from clergy and scholars. Many responded that the screenplay should be based on just one Gospel, and that Luke should be used because of its completeness.

Jesus was released by Warner Bros. in the United States. It was not a money-maker, losing approximately $2 million. While praising its "meticulous attention to authenticity", critics panned Jesus for being "painfully monotonous."

In 1981, Bill Bright created the Jesus Film Project organization with the goal of accurately translating Jesus into other languages and showing them around the world. The first translation was done for the Tagalog-speaking people of the Philippines. The organization works with thousands of missionaries around the world to show the film, sometimes to audiences who have never seen a motion picture. Distribution in the United States has included direct mail campaigns sponsored by churches to deliver a copy of the film to every address in select zip codes across the country. In 2004, the organization made the film available for viewing on its website in over 300 languages. Both Jesus and The Story of Jesus for Children are available in DVD and VHS formats. Audio dramatizations in a number of languages are also available.


According to The New York Times, Jesus is likely the most-watched motion picture of all time. The Jesus Film Project states that Jesus has been viewed almost 5.6 billion times (including repeat viewings). This is based on the following criteria:

* The 1,070 DVD, VHS, and audio-only translations of Jesus;
* The number of showings by the Jesus Film Project's film teams, who operate in nearly 100 nations; and
* Over 225 million people have indicated a decision to follow Christ after viewing the film.

However, Vinay Samuel, executive director of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Mission Theologians, is critical of these numbers. Samuel told the New York Times that in his opinion, these statistics are "to say the least, not gathered in a social-scientific way."



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